Just got a Wii......What should I get?


I got my nintendo wii yesterday and had sonic included in the bundle and gotta say it's the first sonic game im really enjoying so would definately recommend it !
Dont buy Zelda, because everybody has it.
Buy another good game so when you finish it you can switch it with a friend.

I have splinter cell, its a good game, but you might get bored of it.
The Godfather is similar to it in some way but much more fun :D
zelda is the best game out

but if u plan on getting more multi player games i suggest getting the wiiplay it cost $50 but comes with a wiimote which normally cost $40 i donno the prices there but if u need a second wiimote to play tennis with friends n stuff its a good buy n 10 bucks for a bunch of multi player mini games