M&Ms kart - To late Nintendo your game isnt the first


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
[going all street]Check this **** out its wack yo


Play as your favorite M&M'S® characters
12 unique race environments loaded with collectable bonus items
7 different customizable race vehicles to choose from
Real time physics offers different feels in street, dirt, ice and sand venues
Tune your cars with accessories and upgrade kits in full 3D at the M&M'S® garage
Outrageous stunt combinations including jumps, 2 wheel rides, and turbo speeds

Fasten your seat belts for the exciting new action racing game, M&M'S® Kart Racing! M&M'S® Kart Racing breathes new life into the arcade racing by combining the adventure elements (collecting items on the race track) and high speed racing with the funny and parodic style of candy competition. Compete against other players on 10 different race tracks and collect unique bonus items on each level.

Nintendo must be cakcing them selfs at this quality title

Play as your favorite M&M'S® characters
3 selectable charicters then
Wow, that may compete with Mario Kart for the better racing game

Nice find though.
Just really funny is all.
"Play as your favorite M&M'S® characters"


You mean I can actually play as a red M&M, or a yellow M&M!?! I can't believe they actually were able to model a red M&M, but then to go and model the yellow M&M? That's pulling out all the stops... and talents; if they actually have blue, green, and orange M&M's, this could be THE racer to get. Imagine not only playing as a yellow sphere-like candy, but as a blue one?!?! A BLUE ONE PEOPLE! I mean seriously, where is all this AAA talent coming from, and how much did it cost to entice them away from Spielberg's next Dreamworks project to come and work on this piece of history in the making? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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The green one is Dizzy in disguise.
Good to see him back in a game
What a joke lol... Racing pieces of chocolates.:lol:
I doubt that it will even be worth the money to rent the game. If the game costs over $40.00+ I expect the sales to be very low.
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Look for it in the "bargin bin"
thats a maybe renter.
with only 12 levels you could probably beat it in like a day and be bored with it by the next morning. it doesn't even have online...
Bigred said:
thats a maybe renter.
with only 12 levels you could probably beat it in like a day and be bored with it by the next morning. it doesn't even have online...
I wouldn't recommend renting it probably, by the looks of it's a game that they just threw together. Probably doesn't even have 12 levels.
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Desi_Wii_G said:
it's a game that they just threw together.

Bit like [STRIKE]half [/STRIKE] most of the third party games