Metroid Prime: Corruption - Green points for extras...

uh, no theres no online multiplayer which has been denied for a VERY LONG time

2nd the point of the wiiconnect24 is to get extras

third, the games release date was anounced again since a couple of moths ago

now that i got that out of the way....

anyone wana add me pls do and pm me If you have mp3
any one want to add me please pm me
Hey 2tekk4u, SpaceHawg, ojo, Kherrek508, BIG MONEY, Gustav1939,acesmythe, i just add you, i also have MP3, let me know if you add me PM
6183 2055 5721 9325

i have mp3 but have no idea what adding a person does, so add me. pm if you care but imma add you anyway
Ronjon13 I just add you, if you add me let me know
I added you ojo, and i give out the vouchers to anybody who gets ahold of me first, i just want to get the bonus stuff
any Metroid Prime 3 users add me lots to unlock with friend vouchers!!!
pm me to let me know to add you
I have about 19 friend vouchers to trade. I'm a completionist, so I need this stuff unlocked. I will post my Wii code soon.
Master Foot, I have about 13 that I need to trade. I'm not even sure how it all works yet. Do the Friend vouchers turn into green tokens? Anyway PM me and I'll add you. See my info for my number.

There are some seemingly random achievements to get friend vouchers. Some have a limited window of opportnity, similar to blue tokens and scan entries. Don't worry too much if anything is missed because there is a Pseudo New Game Plus. Friend vouchers are only valid for green tokens.