Net Problems

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Jul 13, 2006
Milford Ohio
Wii Online Code
i dont feel like re typing what i typed at so ill just copy and paste lol.
Me said:
not sure if anyone can help but i need some help. i can no longer load up any sites i go to alot plus some random sites here and there. one of the sites is it will no longer load for me. same goes for xbox-scene, ds-scene, (my email),, plus more. ive rebooted my PC and restarted my router plus updated my routers firmware (already had the newest version but i did it anyways.) i cannot figure out the problem. ive even tried viewing the sites on my wii and they still dont load while others do. im starting to loos my mind. it was working and then when i refreshed the page, nothing. i just get an error message that looks like this: problem.JPG (was too lazy to edit out the tv show on the side lol. i had no idea it would screen cap anything on my TV also lol). im thinking it may be on my ISPs end because ive tried almost everything on my end. please someone help! i cant even play gmod or cs:s!
im able to get on here using some help would REALLY be appreciated.
Well maybe someone hacked your computer and your wifi/usb and screwed it all up...other then that maybe a virus......other then those I have no idea.
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i HIGHLY doubt it. 1 reason being i havent had a virus infect my PC in years and the 2nd reason is if it was my PCs fault, my Wii would be able to connect to the websites but it cannot
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well after 2 hours. its working again!
a mod can go ahead and close this...
wait. im a mod!
lol lame joke i know
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