New Channel

laderer5 said:
...another worthless channel... the replay value n these channels are nothing. c'mon dudes its like nintendo is purposly trying to hold back good stuff.
my personal oppinion is that nintendo will give us really crappy stuff for a while then un anounced they will put out awesome stuff then tell no one and wait for someonet o discover all the eally cool crap they give us....or since they havent given an update yet for a while they wiill give one with all they crap on it and it will be frigging awesome....
imagine waking up and seeing your blue light and it turns out to be a Demo Channel and it includeds a tiny demo of SSBB and other future game.. Just a little demo like 2 characters, 1 level and maybe 2 weapons..... that would be cool
ericlewis91 said:
^that would make me freak!

Exactly!! Are you listening Nintendo??? The loyal paying customers are making a reasonable request..

Wii Demo Channel

(Waiting for Blue glow)