Nintendo - Next Gen

Sonys already trying to make more family based games and has a game coming out that has motion sensors and wireless bowlingball controllers so u can bowl with the motion sensor and the whole 9yards. Its for PS2 but idk why they would waste there time. There trying to sell what nintendo has already had out for a year and the people that would atcually but that probally already own a Wii. Go figure.
Yes, pretty much agree with you here as well.

I haven't finished Zelda yet, but I do think it's quite a bit easier than OoT.

On gameplay alone, it isn't quite next gen...
wii is fine the way it is just a few long hard FPS will do the trick and one massive adventure game like maybe banjo kazooie or fox
FRuMMaGe said:
Actually, many reviewers have described the Wii as the ONLY next-gen console. It is a completely new direction, whereas the 360 and PS3 are just improvements of old ideas
I like your way of thinking. I agree with exactly what you just said in that post. :)
I Hope Nintendo Will Make A System That Puts You In The Game Like A Headthing And Your The Person Using The Wii Mote And Numchuck To Move....real Next-gen (in That Generation)while Microsoft And Sony Still Make There Thing The Same!!
TTACKK said:
I Hope Nintendo Will Make A System That Puts You In The Game Like A Headthing And Your The Person Using The Wii Mote And Numchuck To Move....real Next-gen (in That Generation)while Microsoft And Sony Still Make There Thing The Same!!

Does anyone remember the Virtual Boy? What a "portable" system that was.
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NONE of you guys understood what I meant. I'm saying, WHEN NINTENDO MAKES THEIR NEXT-GEN CONSOLE, where are they going with it? Are they going to continue to try bring in the new crowd, or are they going to use the Wii as a spring board, and dive into some more hardcore stuff (not maturity-wise, difficulty-wise)?

Personally, I think the Wii is very weak in "hardcore" games right now. Galaxy is short. TP was easy. Corruption I just plain disliked, and I heard it was easy to get all the way through it. I'm hoping that Nintendo uses the huge assembly of gamers they're picking up now and then introduces those to some new, long, hard, games (Super Mario 64, LoZ: OoT anyone?). I think that Ninty is lightening up on the difficulty because they're afraid of hampering new gamers to try their products because "you can only play games like LoZ/Mario/etc. if you play all the time and you're really good at it..."

NOW discuss.
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i think they'll make some more complicated once they've pumped out the hooker games. as in, the games that hook people into gaming.
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I doubt it. Tbh, I think they're going to use the Wii as a total money whore. They're saving the good stuff for next-gen, IMO. However, SSBB will be hardcore, no doubt. Considering it'll be online + it's one of those games that you can constantly improve at, and also where there's someone always better then you.

Wii's last big franchise titles that have a chance of being good on the Wii: The new LoZ, and Brawl. This is having the mind-set that Wii won't last 4/5 years.
Zelda was a long ass game. And i think that the longest games are multiplayer titles with tons of replay value which the wii is full of. For long single player and infinite online, just wait a while or get a 360.
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elmo_999 said:
Zelda was a long ass game. And i think that the longest games are multiplayer titles with tons of replay value which the wii is full of. For long single player and infinite online, just wait a while or get a 360.
I beat it in 36 hours and I wasted a lot of time. Plus, it doesn't have any replay value. I don't call that "hardcore", I'm sorry.
if that's the case, i'll be waiting for said next gen console from nintendo. they can't go wrong in my book.

i think it'll be similar control wise... perhaps some more options and accessories. i hope there'll be more detail... more... to... play with? more customizable. also, i'm sure they could kick up the graphics just a tiny bit, eh?
Oh i wasnt sayin that Zelda has alot of replay value. what i was sayin is that games like Wario Ware for example, you can beat the single player in like a couple of days (or one if your a binge gamer) but its multiplayer is what gives it tons o' replay value. And by hardcore do you mean violent or competitive.
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elmo_999 said:
Oh i wasnt sayin that Zelda has alot of replay value. what i was sayin is that games like Wario Ware for example, you can beat the single player in like a couple of days (or one if your a binge gamer) but its multiplayer is what gives it tons o' replay value. And by hardcore do you mean violent or competitive.
I was pointing out replay value as another reason it wasn't hardcore. And Wario Ware's "multiplayer value" drops tremendously when you have no one to play with, considering it's not online (for the record, my friend with tremors in his hands beat Wario Ware in 4 hours).

And I already stated, by "hardcore", I am in NO way implying that it's "mature", I mean that it has good gameplay, it's long, it's difficult, and it's fun.
Well, if what Reggie (Fat-arse from now on) has talked about in the press conferences are anything to go by, Nintendo will continue to drift away from the "hardcore" crowd and appeal more to the "casual" crowd.
Fat-arse promised us that Corruption and Galaxy would be appealing to the hardcore gamers, but they fell short in so many ways of reaching the "hardcore mark."
Personally, I don't think Nintendo can come back to the hardcore crowd after doing this.
Fat-arse might give more press conferences talking about the casual crowd, and if he does, I EFFING CALLED IT.