Ps3 Grill

lee.jarratt said:
its lee.jarratt, and don't talk to me like im stupid.

Heh... Le.e.Jarratt?

Leh Ee Jaratt?

What The-?
People Think Jarratt's Stupid, But Hes Freaking Awseome AND Smart... He's Taken So many Blows.... He Can Easily Recover From That One.
Shiftfallout said:
i have seen a wii turned into a baby's ass wiper and a 360 turned into a pinyata, so whats your point. Fanboys exist, they get their jollies off thinking about how they can diss another brand that offers the same catagory of entertainment they want. they are pathetic. thank god the music scene in not as retarded.. could you imagine fender fanboys and gibson, dean..ect fanboys making fun of eachothers guitars? lol thats how silly these console fanboys (aka company whores) are.

wow.. quite the "non-fanboy" attack for such a joking topic.
PtonJalken said:
wow.. quite the "non-fanboy" attack for such a joking topic.

... a kid comes in here and asks if anyone has destroyed their playstation 3's to turn them into a grill... thats pretty #$%&ing stupid. Seriously pton, do you know how many of these grill topics there are? too many. What the OP did was pretty much flame baiting, so if he, or you for that matter, cant take my sarcasm, then toooo baaaaad. :wink:

But its ok, keep hating me.
4444 said:
Wow what a loser. I heard you still live with your mom (despite being like, 40)
I look damn good for being the big 4-O.

Yes, at the moment i do live with my mom. I was discharged from the military for having asthma. What else did you hear? Im very interested.
Shiftfallout said:
... a kid comes in here and asks if anyone has destroyed their playstation 3's to turn them into a grill... thats pretty #$%&ing stupid. Seriously pton, do you know how many of these grill topics there are? too many. What the OP did was pretty much flame baiting, so if he, or you for that matter, cant take my sarcasm, then toooo baaaaad. :wink:

But its ok, keep hating me.

sarcasm.. sure. lol.

and i dont hate anyone. thats a waste of energy for something like a chat forum ;)
Man, I'm really starting to feel uneasy over this site. Why do we bash each other? Is it really that great to cut other people down? I really think we should just take the PS3 threads out of this forum. Drama drama drama. The PS3 is a great system, I plan on buying one in the near future...if I can find the extra cash needed. This site is called, not PS3 chat, not console flame chat...or any other chat lol. Why can't it be kept that way?

Gamercon, if you have did you make it through basic training? Did you practically die through gas training and field opps?
I didnt get it until recently. My brother was in but he got out for the same reason, just he had it going in, i didnt.

Gas chamber was only 3 minutes or less, all you have to do is hold your breath and close your eyes.
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BrandonMcAuslan said:
Lee currently holds the world record in being banned from wiichat...

yup i heard he was banned forever:yesnod: