PS3 price cut for the UK?


chaos whore
Just a question, I don't have any details of a price cut. I'm planning on buying one by the year ends, are my chances high of a price cut? I really can't justify £400 for a video game console. But there will be no other way to play GTA4.
Similar Thread: PS3 Price-Drop This Summer? I'd love to see a price drop anywhere but the odds of it are very, very low. (PS3 price-drop)

(You're not in trouble, I'm just redirecting you).
"Sony has no current plans for a PS3 price drop in Europe." It's selling more in Europe than anywhere else. Why would they price drop there? That's from Sony's executive.
sagema said:
"Sony has no current plans for a PS3 price drop in Europe." It's selling more in Europe than anywhere else. Why would they price drop there? That's from Sony's executive.
...smooth sony.