Resident Evil, Or , Silent Hill.?

lol, great minds think alike, eh?? lol

u know what was gay, is that the ganados didnt get caught in their own bear was up w/ that?
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  • #18
Yeah i noticed that lol, and also when one of em was holdong dynamite sometimes they wpould hold it for like a couple of minuts and it wot explode untill they throw it lol.

oh and do you realise we are having 2 different convos over 2 different threads lol
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  • #20
Yeah i know i osted a few messages on the other one and ure the first to respond lol.

p.s iv green mushroomed you
daviduk200 said:
I personally Find Silent Hill series Scarier and More interesting
But i have more fun playing REsident Evil series.

What are your faveourite in either of the series and your views on the games

Im more a fan of Resident Evil but i understand what your saying about silent hill.I've never owned a sony so i've never played it,but from watching frinds it realy does look intresting.Let's keep our fingers crosed we may see a selent hill on wii soon.
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  • #24
Sileny Hill on Wii, I doubt it will But omg i hope soo lol its one of my fave horror series obviously linked with resident evil
RE is less like a horror movie and more like a an action movie with zombies as a movie I would prefer Silent Hill but I prefer RE
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  • #26
I agree thats RES EVIL is has a lot more action than silent hill, But i still think it also has less story to it
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  • #28
Thats exactly the same as me But i find it hard to say which is better. They are both very succesfull.

But i heard RE 5 is coming out soon but it wont be on wii is this true does anybody know