Seekers of the Lost Treasure - RP Sign Up Thread

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  • #62
i'm not sure but i may have to drop out. i'll be moving soon so until everything is settled i won't be able to post. won't happen till late may/early june but still, just letting you know its possible
Don't worry, we'll have about a months' break after the Realms finish. That should be plenty of time.

And the plot is set in 2009/10
Well... World domination. Treasure Hunter? This sounds like a mis-dated piece. I could have a freaking M16 attacking a dude with a pistol. That wouldn't turn out pretty. Calling in an air force wouldn't either.
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  • #64
Well... World domination. Treasure Hunter? This sounds like a mis-dated piece. I could have a freaking M16 attacking a dude with a pistol. That wouldn't turn out pretty. Calling in an air force wouldn't either.
Well we don't include the army.
Good, because that's just asking for a topsy-turvy RP. I do think it should be 1920-1960s... It makes better since. IMO of course.
actually modern day does more. you know what a PMC is right? well the main stuff here are two seperate corperations of crime. like bad PMCs.
No, I don't know what a PMC is.

But I have my character.
Any amendments?

Name: Michael Lopez
Alliance: The Investors, USA, Neutral

Appearance: is a small, ripped Mexican man. About 25 years old. He is about 5’8”, weighs 160 pounds, but is very strong. He always has on a hood or mask, hiding his entire head appearance. His eyes are brown, and he wears a bullet proof vest EVERYWHERE.

Biography: is from the USA, but after hearing of this possibility, he couldn’t resist but side with the investors. He was an orphan at birth and was sent to Military School. After that, he became a man who wants to do with nobody, but will if he needs to (as shown with his enrollment with The Investors). Not much more is known about him, other than his short fuse, and he HAS to have everything go exactly to plan.
He is also a ex-convict. He has gotten in trouble for Grand Theft Auto, illegal gambling, and shooting a man at a bar.

Weapon of Choice: uses mainly an M1911 Colt Automatic Pistol because it’s light-weight. He never goes anywhere without it. Too many people are trying to kill him.

Personality: Short fuse and narrow minded. Doesn’t talk much, and gets extremely angry if anything is mentioned about his past. Also will go out of his way to get what he wants, even if it would involve turning on the Investors.
a bit more info would be nice.

PMC= Private Military Contracters
modern day merconaries, they'll do near any job if paid enough.
i wasn't at first either. just add in what you think we need to know. for instance you said he gets angry when people talk about his past he gets mad, well why? from what you put being an orphen was the only bad part. add more info into his life like what happened to his parents, how he met the investors and other stuff like that.
Here's my revision. Any better?

Name: Michael Lopez
Alliance: The Investors, USA, Neutral

Appearance: is a small, ripped Mexican man. About 25 years old. He is about 5’8”, weighs 160 pounds, but is very strong. He always has on a hood or mask, hiding his entire head appearance. His eyes are brown, and he wears a bullet proof vest EVERYWHERE.

Biography: is from the USA, but after hearing of this possibility, he couldn’t resist but side with the investors. He was an orphan and was sent to Military School. After that, he became a man who wants to do with nobody, but will if he needs to (as shown with his enrollment with The Investors).

Michael hates his past. His parents got divorced when he was five, and then his dad left his family, nowhere to be seen again. His mom started seeing other men, and met an alcoholic. She married him when Michael was about seven, and every Saturday night from then until he was an orphan, his step-dad would beat him. He took it because he knew if he didn’t his Mom would.

At the age of ten, his step-dad was drunk and killed Michael’s mom with a steak knife. He stabbed her in the chest with it, pulled it out, and then tried to kill Michael. Michael ran and hid, taking cover in a near-by orphanage. His step-dad never came to find him, and got away with killing his wife.

From when he hit 12 on until 18, he was sent to military school. He began to think, due to his Mom’s experiences, that he could befriend no one. He then spent all of his time shooting, hunting, working out, or praying to God that he doesn’t end up like his dad or his only step-dad.

At 19, he was sent to the Marines to work for the USA. During those times, he began to socialize with a Captain there, who began telling him about this “conspiracy” as he called it, The Investors. He spoke of them as heartless men who only cared about themselves. After thinking over this story, he was now determined to find exactly what The Investors were looking for, but was only in it for himself. He believed that if he did this, God would be proud of him and take better care of him and his mother in her afterlife.

Weapon of Choice: Michael was always a machine gun man, but after his knowledge that an SMG was a little large to pack around without a rucksack, he began to use an M1911 Colt Automatic Pistol as his alternative.

Personality: Short fuse and narrow minded. Doesn’t talk much, and gets extremely angry if anything is mentioned about his past. Also will go out of his way to get what he wants, even if it would involve turning on The Investors.
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  • #74
Oh yeah man. You got it. Though I may need to read it again later, I don't trust myself right now :lol: