Sony F**ks Up Big Time

Silly Optimists

I cant believe the amount of people who actually believe this is fake, I do a paper round on sundays and there was a huge article on the front page of the mail on sunday, hoaxes don't usually make it onto the front page of huge national newspapers. There sources are very relyable. This. Is. Real. End of.
It was only a goat, purchased from the butcher (dead before the party), by the Greek Company hosting the event (the topless actresses were also a part of the Greek Company). Offal is a greek delicacy(small intestines cooked). After the event, the goat was taken back to the butcher.

Nothing wrong with it, people are making a mountain out of a molehill.
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Chr*st! I can't believe someone thought that it was a good idea to have a dead goat at a party!? And a party to publicize the launch of a computer game. Thats just f*cked up lol.
The stupidity of Sony in terms of PR amazes me. - Like none of its customers are vegitarian - or concerned with animal rights...
I eat meat sure - but I still find the idea of eating the offal of a dead goat at a party completely nuts and in bad taste. Sure animals die for us to eat - but in this day and age we should at lease be respectful to these animals. Instead of stringing them up for entertainment.

You can't be an omnivore and a carnivore. We are carnivorous - but essentially omnivores.

Guys don't ever argue with shift about anything - trust me its not worth it...
He is never wrong. He will argue any point from any angle rather than accept his opinion may be wrong in any way. Even subjectively. Also his arguments are entirely along the lines that sony can do nothing wrong. And nintendo sucks in comparison...

Dodobirds post was one of the best posts I've seen on this site...

Also anyone actually been to Greece? I've been many, many times. Close family friends are greeks. I holiday there often - spent an entire summer there (studying/working). And in all my time I have never attended any event where an animals carcass was left on display for any reason? The greeks have a culture very similar to ours. They have butchers and supermarkets... This was just the usual party/debauchery for assholes who have money - and no morality, which sadly is so often the case.

"as fathers are to their children, and poets are to their own poems, so to moneymakers are to the making of money. They are tiresome company, for they have neither a thought or seldom a good word for anything but money." - Socrates, Plato - The Republic (Can't remember whose translation this is though...)
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BrandonMcAuslan said:
Chr*st! I can't believe someone thought that it was a good idea to have a dead goat at a party!? And a party to publicize the launch of a computer game. Thats just f*cked up lol.
The stupidity of Sony in terms of PR amazes me. - Like none of its customers are vegitarian - or concerned with animal rights...
I eat meat sure - but I still find the idea of eating the offal of a dead goat at a party completely nuts and in bad taste. Sure animals die for us to eat - but in this day and age we should at lease be respectful to these animals. Instead of stringing them up for entertainment.

You can't be an omnivore and a carnivore. We are carnivorous - but essentially omnivores.

Guys don't ever argue with shift about anything - trust me its not worth it...
He is never wrong. He will argue any point from any angle rather than accept his opinion may be wrong in any way. Even subjectively. Also his arguments are entirely along the lines that sony can do nothing wrong. And nintendo sucks in comparison...

Dodobirds post was one of the best posts I've seen on this site...

Also anyone actually been to Greece? I've been many, many times. Close family friends are greeks. I holiday there often - spent an entire summer there (studying/working). And in all my time I have never attended any event where an animals carcass was left on display for any reason? The greeks have a culture very similar to ours. They have butchers and supermarkets... This was just the usual party/debauchery for assholes who have money - and no morality, which sadly is so often the case.

"as fathers are to their children, and poets are to their own poems, so to moneymakers are to the making of money. They are tiresome company, for they have neither a thought or seldom a good word for anything but money." - Socrates, Plato - The Republic (Can't remember whose translation this is though...)

im glad you said it. cause it was stupid to say in the first place. we are carnivorous as far as meat eating. but we know or should know that a carnivore eats ONLY meat and of course Herbivores eat ONLY plants. we eat both so we cant be in either catagory thats why we (humans) have the omnivore classification.

good post:thumbsup:

waitin on an ahole to step up
Shiftfallout said:
*"In a patriarchal society, all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent." -- Catharine MacKinnon, quoted in Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women's Studies.

How exactly was that supposed to help the feminist cause? One of their main points is that women are strong, independant. So why would anyone who is fighting for that say that they're not strong enough to give consent? And how do you explain when a woman says "Let's have sex!", etc.? Is she trying to say that women have no idea what they're talking about? Some women really DO have no idea what they're talking about, in fact most. This is one of the stupidest quotes I've ever heard.

I'm not a feminist, but I'm not an anti-female jerkoff who thinks women are inferior. I hate people like that. But I don't think that women are so surperior to men either. I think both genders are equal. Each has its weaknesses and strengths. There's no reason for there to be a gender war, just like there's no reason for a race war, or a religion war. There's room enough in the world for men and women, black and white, Christian and Jewish. Some things are completely uncalled for.

And as for the goat, I think if they killed it for a publicity stunt or for an ad, that's just poor taste, and wrong. Just wrong. But if they killed it and ate some of it, or if what retro_joe said about it already being dead, then it's fine.

But even if it was killed senselessly, some people are overreacting a bit. It's a terrible thing to do, but some people fly off the handle. Did you know when you get your license they show you pictures of people who were in car crashes, and they're completely mutilated. One man's intestines were scattered on the asphalt for about ten feet down the stretch of road. We see gore in our everyday lives. Sure, we don't really want to see it (usually), but we deal with it, or at least try.