Survey: Lobbing or PowerHitting?

Haha yea. I do it just because I want to let them know that it's not just their trick. Teach them a little lesson and all :).
i prefer power hitting because 9 times out of 10 a lob shot is stopped by the goally, but i think u have a better chance at getting a goal with a power shot
I prefer to have a solid passing game and then score goals when the ball is nice and charged, but do the power shots once in awhile because you pretty much have to. I prefer to not use them just because its boring to me, I'm actually a very large fan of futbol and prefer to play a little more to that style. I also enjoyed the first strikers in which there weren't really any sidekick power shots.
^To rimmytose: I assumed that 'powerhitting' meant hitting the ball hard as in shooting when the ball is white (excuse me if I'm wrong). The sidekick skillshots shouldn't be a main strategy IMO.