The Christian religion

White-Wolf said:
ya trying to take away my free will or what?:crazy: :wink:
like i said before witnessing online isnt the best way to exactly witness to people. anyway i have enjoyed our debates white-wolf and i apologize if i have sounded rude. please understand i was merely countering your claims using the bible and my beliefs on this christian forum. I may not convince you that there is a god but thats your decision in the end after all with obviously both agree we have free will:yesnod:. You know where i stand and i know where you stand and i will respect that. I'm sure others, like mitch, found our debate interesting and realize were they stand on that issue. I witnessed and stood up for God and thats rewarding enough for me. Anyway, despite our definite views, i hope we can be friends and discuss the topics on other threads about the wii. And if you our every able to get online with the wii i look forward to challenging you. Never played an online game before:cool: . We cool?
Sure thing. if only religion had plug and play :aureola:

i have to say, this smile is the best. But may i ask, when i have I said that i dont beleave in god? i Just see it diffrent then you, thats all.
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White-Wolf said:
Sure thing. if only religion had plug and play :aureola:

i have to say, this smile is the best. But may i ask, when i have I said that i dont beleave in god? i Just see it diffrent then you, thats all.
oh my apologies then, i just got the impression you didn't from some of the statements you made from our debate.
No prob. It’s possible we believe in the same things, just in very different ways. Much like Christians and Muslims, only I am probably further from Muslim then Christians. I believe of god i should say. Because believing in something is much different then of something.

Good debate though. :bows:
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well i think some of us go off to a better place, may not be heaven, but it is a place that we wish and love in our hearts. Some of us have unfinished bussness on earth and become ghosts or phantoms. Some of us become nothing after death wishing only to rest with nothingness, some of us are rencarnated, ether becuse we made mestakes, or we are protecters of yunger souls, or we have a purpus that can be fullfilled only in life. Buddists beleave that reincarnation into a human is a bad thing, but i dont think that is so. I think if we are evil, we become food for something much more vile, perhaps for the beast, or must live our lives repeating our most painfull memory over and over for eternity. Needless to say, if we are evil we suffer deeply for it.

Morality aside, our bodies return to the earth for life to grow again. Thats why when i die, i dont want a cascit. Maybe i will do the crystal bit, or maybe ashes, or maybe be barried with my dead body touching the earth.

My guess is if we are good and just, we have more options or choices of what to do. I wouldent mind becomeing a worrior for titiania. Hell i would do that in life. Still trying to find that door. I bet its in england someplace.

its hard to really know for sure as if I have been rencarnated i dont remember all of it. But i feel sometimes that i have lived another life, and im trying to find out what it is. I have ideas but they are a dreamers dream.
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wow thats a lot of different religious believes in your thought of the afterlife. My believe of course it what it says in the bible where to get saved is simply to acknowledge jesus as your lord and savior, accept him into your heart, and ask him to forgive you of your sins. Doing this is the only way to get into heaven. Even if you have commited horrible acts like murder if your sincere about it, you'll go to heaven. I've seen what God can do to people that do this and its pretty amazing. It's all about love which is different from other religions which require good works to go to heaven. I also believe in hell which is where you are sent if you do not do this. I also believe in the fallen angel lucifer aka satan and his demons as there are angels in heaven. I've thought about the theory about people seeing ghosts and stuff like that which doesnt really add up to my beliefs in the afterlife. I believe what people are seeing are demons. There purpose of doing this is that they know how superstious and interested people can be about the supernatural, heck i even like to see the ghost hunters do all that freaky stuff on the discovery channel, and confuse people about what happens when you really die thus countering what the bible says about the after life. Its a possibility since thats one of the goals satan and his demons are trying to acomplish. Well those are just my thoughts on ghosts anyway. Demons like tricking people.
Well to be honest I knew what you believed before you told me, but it’s nice to hear you say it. So I am not prejudging. I’m still unsure of what you mean by ghosts being demons. I find it hard to believe everything not in the bible is cursed and evil. If i thought that, my understanding of the universe would shrink rather then expand. I think its just too easy or too simple to say things i don’t understand are evil. its a rational that can be used for anything. I could give an argument but you don’t have to listen because i could be Lucifer.. ect. It lets one shut out any apposing idea because it can be rationalized by saying its the work of the devil. I feel that adopting that kind of thought would prevent me from having an open mind to things I don’t understand. I wish to understand truth, but truth does not come to those who believe themselves to be right in the first place.

I also feel that its dangerous to let something i cant perceive deiced morality for me. If i do, then i would feel overpowered with righteousness and be worried not of what my true actions were because i could justify these actions by saying god told me too or i am being lead by god. That’s a pipit, a doll, a homunculus in my view. If i am going to achieve salvation of any kind, Its going to be because I was strong and i was just. It will be me that seek truth and me that finds it.

It bothers me that in Christianity thinking the same is more important then being good. Being good and kind should preside over all. I have thought very long and very hard about theses things i am telling you. I have thought too myself "what would happen if someone far away on the other side of the world in a village that knew not of these things?" of course you say, this is why their are missionaries... but wouldn’t this just force their view on a beautiful culture? Did Native Americans go to hell before the French and the English came...? if the answer is purgatory...god becomes unjust. because i think it is us who brought the hell to them. where was the compassion of christians when Americans gave them pox ridden blankets. These are questions that cannot be awserd and this is why only understand one view and calling other views temptations of the devil will not lead to real answers.

The more history i learn and the more philosophy and religion read, i realize that Christianity is not what it appears. Something doesn’t sit right with the idea that only one idea is right, and newer or older ideas are invalid. Before people worshiped god, was their not people who worshiped goddess or heroic heroes with great power. What if things that have passed into legend had a origin and a reason for being? I come with questions, and Christianity has not given me any answers, sit down shut up, be unieq just like everyone else, and do not look at the man behind the certain.

I’m not trying to flame you, but this is my view and it seems that this is a topic about how people view Christianity so I’m just speaking my peace. Perhaps later I shale tell you more about the whys, but that’s for another post, maybe the one after yours.
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Well, although I am a very spiritual and believe 100% in Jesus and God, I don't fully agree with you. I don't believe that God would condemn someone of a different religion that doesn't believe in Jesus just simply because they were raised differently. I also don't believe that we go to heaven or hell when we die. I believe that the only hell there is, is the one we live in now. I believe that when we die, our soul dies along with it and that after armageddon, the souls of the righeous AND unrigheous will be ressurected. Then, we will all be perfect beings and live in a paradise earth so that we all get a fair chance to decide our fate, just as Adam and Eve had a fair chance. Then, Satan will be re-released for 1,000 years as a test to prove ourselves and those who pass will live in everlasting life on a paradise Earth.

As for the Trinity issue, I have seen some things in the bible that go directly against that and personally, I believe there is one God in one being which is God himself and that Jesus is seperate and his son. Jesus even said in the bible "I am not God" in so many words.

I'm not here to "argue" with anyone, just stating my believes and I have nothing against you or anyone else what-so-ever if you disagree.
+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
Christianity Isn't A Religion... It Means You Believe In Holy Father, The Holy Son, And The Holy... Uh... Holy Spirit...
I've Gone To A Cathoilc School For 10 Years... Pre K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, And I'm Now In 8!

Christianity does not believe you believe that God is the Holy Father, Son and Spirit, it simply means that you believe in the existance of God and of Jesus.
I personally think christianity is a bit coo coo...
I mean, How on earth could light be created before any sources of light o_O?
And, they dont believe in dinosaurs...When we have physical proof...Kinda...Well, i just find it confusing that they dont belive in , when he have solid physical proof

LOL Who on Earth said we don't believe in Dinosaurs? :lol: :lol: :lol:
you would be surpized. well its not that christians dont beleave in them, its that some christians dont beleave in evolution and the time tables of science. pen and teller did a really awsome epesode of bull **** on christian science. It was pritty funny.