The Christian religion


Jul 13, 2006
Milford Ohio
Wii Online Code
i created a new topic as to not get the exciting witch trial thread off topic

NateTheGreat said:

Oh, and I_Dont_Know859, I have a question about your signature. Not the rotating "Jesus Saves" I right-clicked and blocked that (oh the wonders of Firefox), but the Bible passage. Sounds as though doing "evil" will cause God or whomever to "execute wrath" upon you. So if somebody kills someone, in turn God will kill the killer or send him to hell? So then, how is God any better than the killer?

Just for anyone who doesn't know, I'm in no way a Christian, nor an Aethist because Aethism is really a religion in it self.

ok before i start, i dont want any sort of reigious debate. im sick of them. every forum ive ever been apart of always turns into the whole forums flaming me for my beliefs and becuause i dont know every answer. this is just for general questions you may have. i will request i0n to lock this thread if there is constant flaming.

anyways to Nate's question. all sin is the same to God (except for blasphemy which is the top dog of all sins) and all sins are forgiven when you accept Jesus as your saviour (again, except for blashpemy). in the old testiment (before Jesus' sacrafice) if you killed, you too should be killed. but because of Jesus' sacrafice for EVERY human being, if you kill someone, you can still be forgiven if you want it. God isnt the one who sends you to Hell, YOU are the one than sends yourself to Hell. it is Gods will for every man to go to Heaven but because he gave us free choice, that cannot happen. A LOT of people read things from the old testiment and think that is what christians fallow which in reality, christians fallow the NEW testiment. so the whole "God will kill you if you kill" thing isnt true (anymore) because of Jesus. now before someone starts about "how can you say you worship 1 god when you worship God and Jesus?" let me answer it. God has 3 forms that form the Trinity. the forms are Father (God), Son (Jesus), and the Holy Sprit(uhh. the sprit lol). they are all God. dont ask me how or why because i dont know how or why. people have such a wrong view of christians. if anyone has a question just ask
Christianity Isn't A Religion... It Means You Believe In Holy Father, The Holy Son, And The Holy... Uh... Holy Spirit...
I've Gone To A Cathoilc School For 10 Years... Pre K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, And I'm Now In 8!
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everyone belongs to some form of religion. the definition of religion is:
Religion is a system of social coherence based on a common group of beliefs or attitudes concerning an object, person, unseen being, or system of thought considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine or highest truth, and the moral codes, practices, values, institutions, and rituals associated with such belief or system of thought. It is sometimes used interchangeably with "faith" or "belief system"[1], but is more socially defined than that of personal convictions.
so even people who who say they dont have a religion, actually do in a way have a religion. ive went to a christian school for 6 years and all we did in Bible class was search the net and find questions and statements people had about christianity and then reseached the answers to them
Non religion person here

Yet I help out at Church dos (doorman mostly rough area)
Ok heres a question for you, How come religious groups believe that if they dont like somthing they have to try and stop people from enjoying it, for example The Da Vinchi Code the christian groups go "Hey this fictional story goes against our religion so no can see this" I don't get it what makes people believe that just because they dont like it or find it offensive doesnt mean everyone does another thing (although im not a fan) Madonna had concert in Moscow I think and she has a crusafice like prop which she performs on so the christians groupd rallied and begun a almost task force against against Madonna i just don't understand why well what do you guys think ?

p.s this is no way anti-religious
I'd call myself a non-religious person, but technically I still "believe" in something- I "believe" that your beliefs aren't really all that important as long as you're a good person. But of course, it's just a belief and I could be completely wrong.
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Sam_Harris said:
Ok heres a question for you, How come religious groups believe that if they dont like somthing they have to try and stop people from enjoying it, for example The Da Vinchi Code the christian groups go "Hey this fictional story goes against our religion so no can see this" I don't get it what makes people believe that just because they dont like it or find it offensive doesnt mean everyone does another thing (although im not a fan) Madonna had concert in Moscow I think and she has a crusafice like prop which she performs on so the christians groupd rallied and begun a almost task force against against Madonna i just don't understand why well what do you guys think ?

p.s this is no way anti-religious
those groups of christians are the ones that give TRUE christians a bad name. i have a friend who is athiest and we are really good friends. he asks me questions sometimes but i never try to force anything on him. a true christian cares about others and want to spread the word but if someone doesnt seem interested, they will stop. when you see christians at gay parades with signs that say "GOD HATES FAGS" or "WHEN A FAG DIES, GOD LAUGHS" please note that they are just as bad as those people the the parade because they are judging others and God says it is a sin to judge others and like i said before, all sin is the same in gods eyes. personaly, i want to go see the Da Vinchi Code. any true christian would. my teacher saw it and it helped him become a better christian for it. about the madonna thing, that does offend me but thats not what she belives in so i just say leave her alone
I agree mitch. :)

Also Sam Harris, i think forcing something upon you is wrong also.

Do you know whats worse though?, Orange Walks where protestants celebrate marching down streets the slaughter of thousands of Catholics and the worst thing is it is allowed by the government. That says a lot about the Uk, also did you know that only protestants are allowed into the royal family.

Bigoted B*stards
Meh they all tell you what to do
what to ware

.....................DX DX DX DX DX DX SUCK IT
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I personally think christianity is a bit coo coo...
I mean, How on earth could light be created before any sources of light o_O?
And, they dont believe in dinosaurs...When we have physical proof...Kinda...Well, i just find it confusing that they dont belive in , when he have solid physical proof
actualy i think its kinda coo coo how people can believe that there was nothing and then 2 atoms collided (uhh, thats something lol) and caused the "Big Bang" which caused life. also the bible does mention dinosaurs (i forget the refrence). well it mentions a creature that fits the exact definition to a dinosaur. i believe in them just not that they lived billions of years ago
Mitch2025 said:
also the bible does mention dinosaurs (i forget the refrence). well it mentions a creature that fits the exact definition to a dinosaur.

The Behemoth. (Job 40:15~24)

Many Christians believe in dinosaurs. I know one who believes in Darwinian evolution and one who believes that dinosaurs were created at the same time as man and were on the ark (I actually had that conversation this morning).