The next wave of Wii's

Sillyhat said:
I just called target and they said that they get more wiis by "hopefully before christmas"

duh we talked about that already they nintendo is gonna have "weekly shipments"
ive got another quick couple of questions..

1. do u know when the second shipment will be of wii's

2. how do u post your own posts or start your own topic??? I'm new to this site and i have no idea how to do it
I just came back from my local future shop here in Quebec and they told me thay had a second shipment last night (27 units) but it sold out in an hour... They had no accessories or games...

So, keep looking you guys! I'm looking for Zelda and a nunchuk...
Shadowpunk said:
haha yea ure right ima be @ school 2morrow its a good thing i come out @ 12:22 though :devil: thank u thanksgiving lol o yea i just picked up a copy of zelda tp @ my local toys r us store i cant beleive they still have it since launch they had like 16 copies of excite truck and many other games now all i need is the console im hoping that ill get 1 by friday ill camp if i have 2

yea same here, my friend works at gc and im the 10th on the list for the next shipment which they said would hopefully be this weekend :smilewinkgrin:

My local zelers (how do you spell that...) says they could get more any day now.
also its weird, around here there are like 5 Wiimotes and at least 3 of most games (zelda and redsteel are here).
but some places there compleatly sold out.

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I was just down Wal-Mart and ironically they just got about 3 PS3s in. Damn, if i woulda known they were gonna have them I woulda switched my money over to my ATM account and bought one and sell it on e-bay. No Wii's though.
anthonym2006 said:
in canada it wont be black friday or thanksgiving. in canada i am not expecting a huge line up. unless they give out ticket i will arrive there 2 hours before. if no tickets i wil arrive there 10 min. before
Thank god :) I hope to get one the next day after they stock but that probably wont happen :(
at my local store the wii's they get come weekly but on random days at random times. I just have to be lucky to get one.
registerednerd The manager at Walmart on release day said they were getting nine in on "black friday" (the friday after thanksgiving)

thats crazy, when i asked at Gamestop they didnt tell me they where getting 9 in but they hint me to it, or other words "implied it". They told me that they open at 8 on black friday, and he also said that if i show up and im the 10th person in line to not waste my time waiting because i wont get one.
In my town every store i go to keeps saying they dont know when they're getting the second shipment of wiis the people at these stores know nothing.
vince21494 said:
In my town every store i go to keeps saying they dont know when they're getting the second shipment of wiis the people at these stores know nothing.
the reason why most of these stores "say" they don't know is because they want to avoid the large lineups. The shipment will come anytime in the week at anytime in the day. I kmow some one who jjust walked into walmart and happened to see some wii's and bought one. my srategy is just to keep onvisiting the store and asking if they are expecting any wii's that day. They will only tell you if they are expecting wii's the same day you call or visit. Well anyway good luck. I am hoping i could get my wii next week and if idont i will try again and again week after week. i will nevr quit. it is my goal.