The Wario Ware Mini Game Difficulties thread


WiiChat Member
Jan 29, 2007
Ok I love Wario Ware but some mini games are annoying and have control problems this is a thread to list them Ill update this post regulary with peoples mini game problems (annoying bits) Ill start off with one.

When Im playing the Motozan and Pepper form batton games, its annoying when doign the stirring/grinding games it dosnt pick it up great.

Ive got ore but I have to go now. Ill update later
I find no problem with the stirring or grinding minigame, though i did find a problem with the shredding game and like a huge problem with the dancing boss game seemed unresponsive for the first few tries at it but then i did it by fluke i presume lol.
surfinrach90 said:
The cowboy one where ya gotta draw before the other guy does I can't get around.

I always press "B" maybe that's it and I have trouble with the one where you have to make the guys in the field fall into the hole
the paper shredder pisses me off it stops mid way and i cant get the rest! dont know why it does that either. also when you gotta straighten the paper out with the Motozan and Pepper form. some reason it never lets me do it! i sit there and straighten it and it and it gets even more crooked than it was! pisses me off even more!

other than that i <3 the game
The one when you have to pull the cord so the other team falls. I pull one time but then I try to pull them more but can't. Other games give me no problem.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
the paper shredder pisses me off it stops mid way and i cant get the rest! dont know why it does that either. also when you gotta straighten the paper out with the Motozan and Pepper form. some reason it never lets me do it! i sit there and straighten it and it and it gets even more crooked than it was! pisses me off even more!

other than that i <3 the game

The paper shredder works perfectly for me, that's wierd.

The one where you're trying to get these guys to fall in a hole, but it's almost impossible to get the bottom guy.
When you're straightening the papers, make sure you're hitting your palm with the wiimote. If you just shake it in the air, it will make it messier.
i did that the smacking the wii remote with my palm thing and nothing seemed to work :(

also, when playing that balancing block game im up to the very last level and i cant seem to hold it for long enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw, the shredder works fine with the regular paper, its with the fish that it gets stuck
Yeah the fish gets stuck because it's ice there is no glitch it's just hard
Here's a funny comic in regards to Wario Ware.

hahahaha cute.

I find the paper shredder to be a problem as well as the copycat one where the person "waves" a rainbow with the remote and we're supposed to copy? (samurai position)
CabanaManDan said:
I don't think I have ever passed the one where you play jump rope with the little people, I can only get the rope to go halfway, then it goes limp :(

The jump rope one KILLS ME...oh and does anyone else have trouble with the one where you have to cover the cow once he walks on the dish to make a steak....I've only gotten the lid to go down a couple of times.
the one where the bird holds up the flags and you have to hold the same one up i guess. i dont get the minigame.