Thinking about getting a Wii...

who even said technical upgrades were coming??? In the most recent issue of Gamepro (the April ish) they ask Reggie Fils-Aime three questions, two of which are the following:

GamePro : Any chance of an updated Wii in the future, a la the DS Lite?

Reggie: We're always looking for ways to improve our systems...a premium version of the Wii with a DVD player will be available in the future in some markets. But it's a bit early to be discussing any potential evolution.

Gamepro: And when are those multi-colored Wiis coming?

Reggie: Maybe that question will have more relevance once we've managed to meet the overwhelming worldwide demand for our current color!

So while they may be looking to add DVD to SOME of the Wiis, it hardly looks like they have any intentions of making technical upgrades any time soon. And as far as the colors go, it too looks like that's more in the future than the present. So if THAT is what you're waiting for, then you're going to be waiting for a long time. Besides, no company really makes "technical upgrades" once the console has been released. They just kind of tinker with the construction of the system to help bring down production costs (i.e. PSone and PStwo re-sizing), but the system inside is the same.

Get the Wii now. It's super fun.
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Umm, zero? Lol. Actually it depends if it's a "package deal" ($300 normally with 2 or 3 games + Wii, wiimote & nunchuk + Wiisports) or the normal $250 one (Wii, wiimote & nunchuk + Wiisports).
yep you must get one there great i love my wii and most of all when its online!!!
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Also, for my profile, I accidentally clicked the X on the avatar part of the profile. Is there any way I can get it back?

I've seen a lot of gamestops. Never heard of EB but it sounds familiar...
The ynnaJ said:
Lol. Yeah. I guess.

Well i've always been lucky at Gamestop. But if you're talking about big brands (i.e. Walmart, Target, etc.) then go for Walmart. I heard Walmart's been getting the biggest stocks around.

Also, for my profile, I accidentally clicked the X on the avatar part of the profile. Is there any way I can get it back?
Ya, just click on "Actions", then click on "Add new block"; there should be an option (inactive blocks) to get back any blocks you closed out. :)
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Its all the same if you go to game stop you might get used Wii games, but I don't know this for fact but they might force you to buy a bundle :O
The ynnaJ said:
Does the Wii take all games? Gamecube games and playstation games? I'd like to play DDR on the Wii.


Are you serious? Why the hell would it play playstation games? Nintendo and Sony are rivals...this must be a