Tired of waiting!!??


WiiChat Member
Nov 11, 2007
I dont know about you guys but I'm getting very tired of waiting on the release of Brawl! It's very irritating if you ask me.:mad5: I hope they put out that demo I keep hearing about.. It's less than likely but I'm hoping for the best. My fellow brawlers let me know how ya'll feel about this delay in the release and the demo rumor..
I'm guessing that most of us are tired of waiting or just can't wait, but we really can't do anything. My best advice would be try not to think about it much and the time will just fly.:)
So The US Get It In February? Do Any Of You Guys Know When The UK Get It? I Really Cant Wait For It, I Keep Thinking Bout It! I Was Daydreaming In School One Day And The Teacher Asked Me A Question And I Shouted Out: "Super Smash Bros. Brawl!" Lol! Damn The Late Release Of UK Games!:mad5:
to make up for the delay i just keep playing smash bros on N64 and Melee...but im waiting for dragon ball z 3 next week to hold me over
i say screw the hype. they delay everything. theres been games to look forward to way before SSBB so if you think 5 months is a delay youd better wait longer.
The wait is indeed painful, but seriously, find something else to do. Staring at the clocks and calendars is not going to make it come any faster. >_<
You guys are stubborn, feel for the poor Europeans who always get it later than you guys, Guitar Hero only came out for us on Friday, which was absolute torture.

It's obviously for the better if they're going to improve the game, Jesus.
I hope they don't put out a demo.

We're just over 2 months away. You all can wait at this point.