Waluigi is pimping

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Yay, FRuMMaGe finally made it here, lol
Dkw0101 said:
waluigi has no chicks, waluigi prefers men.

idjut said:
your avatar says a lot

Well played. Rep for the lolz.

Waluigi needs more original games. He's always a bit character...he originally was just made so wario would have a partner in tennis. (I guess no one else could stand the garlic breath?)

He's been in mostly sports/party type games so we don't really know much about him as a character.

They need to make WaluigiWare or something (just NOT Waluigi world!! O_O...Warioworld was the biggest failure of a GC title I ever had to play. (stupid five year old cousins...grr. They made me beat if for them. I never knew a Wario game could be so awful)

To hate him simply because he's never had a moment in the sun (although he deserves it at least once) is just lame. No one liked luigi until luigi's mansion, he never got respect until then.
Hell Wario got some rep with warioland on the god-awful abortion of the Virtual Boy. (warioland was one of the only decent games made for it.) Long before Luigi got the chance to play ghost busters in Luigi's mansion. So why not let him PROVE whether or not he sucks before condemning him?
FRuMMaGe said:
*runs in, panting*

I came as soon as I could!

WOW! Waluigi has risen above the pinnacle of awesomeness!

This is the new Waluigi Mobile!

:yikes: Heresy! :yikes:

Repped :yesnod:

You are forgetting that Waluigi is so awesome and manly that any shells would be instantly obliterated as soon as they came within 50 feet of him. :yesnod:
Sad :yesnod:
Hes my favourite charecter now:p (thanks to Frummage.)
VidyaVince said:
Waluigi isn't even a secondary character.

ur right he should take mario spot and instead of calling it mario galaxy cal it waluigi galaxy
mario ownz said:
gotta hand it to you Frummage
Waluigi is getting really popular now.
He sure is. :lol:

I'm quite surprised at the number of people who have converted.