What Mobile/Cell phone do you have???

Stunna said:
they're quite quiet tho mate
for like songs and ringtones
and i really suggest you buy a memory card, 1gb at least :p
the photos, songs and videos soon add up :)

but awesome photo's, you can run around and take pics and theyre clear, not all blurry :)
Ringtones are quiet?! Can't you turn 'em up? And yeah, the cameras the main reason I want it :p I've seen pictures by it and it looks quality
If you look on my post, the first, smaller pda. you'd be better off with something like that, mine's really small'.
Aaaah I lost interest in a PDA phone once I got a DS ('cause I already had something that was touch screen). I want K800i now :D thanks anyway bud.
samsung c417

Motorola V3xx
$59 plan

I love this phone it feels nice in my hand nice a strong and metally.....Yeah I know it isn't a word
Mobile/Cell Type: Samsung D900
Contract or pay as you go: Contract :cool:
Network Provider: Orange


It's a nice little phone that suits its purpose. I only really want a phone to phone, text and video if I don't have a digicam around. Anyway, I'm quite liking unlimited texts and 900 minutes, mind you.

It does what it's supposed to do, and it does it darn well. Make calls.

I've already got a camera that's way better than any old camera phone could want to do.

And I'm getting a PMP which can do more than any old phone that can play video could want to do ;P

But I just wish I could load up my own ringtones and assign them to people ;-;