What's this reputation stuff?

its stupid/pointless but whatever the kiddies on the site seem to get off on it...

if you like someones post you can click the little green mushroom under their user name and it adds blocks of reputation (the thing under your status)
reputation is all that matters on wiichat
people will respect you, idolize you, and think you're an overall better cooler person with the more rep you have
you are a newb without a lot of rep.
lol reps not important anymore, though i dont think it ever was, just ignore it lol
I believe that covers all the cynical views of rep. Rep systems have been used some some forums to reward helpful posters--when it is done in this way, those highly repped posters can be more quickly ascertained as knowing what they are talking about, and con save you time deciding who's right in a particular thread of controversy.

It hasn't happened that way here yet, but it could. Steps to achieve such a system would just to keep your own eye out for people accurately and amiably assisting members (especially new ones) and repping the for their trouble. When kudos come, well-doers are less likely to cast of their inclination to help, and they are more likely to watch for chances to give kudos to another deserving poster.
lol, take it from me, reputation on this place sucks.

"cronyism" is a huge player, as well as the lack of negative rep.

I believe better rules would help greatly in this area.
yeah i think the rep is dumb on this site because people are always asking for it. You don't ask a girl you have never kissed to kiss you, you get it if you deserve it. I don't know if that analogy was good but in my head it makes sense. But yeah if you ask for rep in my mind you don't need it and i think people give it out way to easy. I for one have repped one person most people don't write good enough posts for rep. Negative rep would be nice i would use that button more frequently i think.
Rep, who gives a ****!, it's just there to make other people feel big and important.
I used to like getting it, now I'm getting repped pointlessly. I like to know when i help people like 'Thanks for the Guitar Hero III info' but now I'm getting 'HULLO' or 'Crack that egg'. Rep is pointless, ignore it.