Wii Cost

actually we can't complain cuz of the obvious...nintendo is always the cheaapest console, ps3 costs your life insurance and xbox cost a used 1987 4-cylinder toyota that has a transmission problem, while the wii only cost as much as a some expensive shoes...thats it man llol
The Beauty of the USA

That's the beauty of the USA. You can ***** and moan without fear of punishment. Ahhh freedom. :p
I'm a bit of a fanboy, but even i am annoyed at the price of the wii. It's a fair price admittedly and i'll still buy it. But after all the corners they cut, and the way they market that they are not a next-gen system, it should be on the shelves cheap as chips. £120!! That's the only way they are gonna convince evryone that gaming is for the masses. Isnt that the whole point? To put a wii in everyone's home?
... Yeah I completely agree with you...

Here in my country, I think the wii (only the wii package) will cost $400 US dollar, because here they have to bring them from the USA, anyway, I can't spend $400 on a game console, thats why I'm buying it on the USA... Games here will cost like $70 US dollar, so please americans... what are you complaining at :eek:ut:
I want to go on the record as one person from the US that isn't complaining about the price. I was going to buy the Wii no matter what the price. I still haven't seen a PS3 game that I would want to buy at launch. And the Wii has so many launch games that I want, I'll be spending more than the system cost on games come launch day. Cheers.
when did fag turn into gay?!
when did gay turn into homosexual?! (see where this is going?)

Anyway, uk gets more tax on products so the wii price is blown up.
Then again, we get free health care (oh yeah! oh yeah! :))

Still rather have cheaper wii though :sad: ........ I can live without getting that brain tumor removed.
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