Wii in Australia thread

You do realise we've spoken off topic before, yes? Yet, suddenly we MUST speak on topic? Okay - How about Nintento totally rips us off. In fact, basically the same thing discussed in the other thread toomstone made, but I am mentioning it here because THATS ON TOPIC!
its not really his thread but i see his point but i think it has gone on long enough that it is accepted but if not everyone is welcome at the new thread
Sorry Eagles but that doesnt make me want to roundhouse-kick Olimar into the moon any less...
gpoleweski said:
Ok...from now....we have to start posting on topic again...we've been going WAY! off the past few pages and we need a steer in the right path...
Thats what I'm here for. I'm the one that brings Nintendo into every conversation, so we should be OK

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Now then, it seems that owners of the Wii game 'Guitar Hero III' don't have Dolby Pro Logic II sound like promised and replacements are being made.
Or are they?
North Americans currently can preorder these disks, but it is unknown wether anyone outside the North America region will get them.

Those bastards. I bet just like everything else in the world, Australia will get the replacement dics last. I'm expecting sometime late July (or around the time GH4 comes out, whichever is slower).
Does the wiggles have guitar solos? Not when I watched it today they didn't. Though they were on the beach, so maybe they couldn't plug it in. Yeah...

Though your right. Aust. Will get the discs last.
Completly different topic...does anyone know if they're gonna release an Aussie version of Deal or No Deal for the DS?

LOL!!! I got hte who wants to be a millionare game, it has the actual british host talking, it's pretty good actually...
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I hope your not saying you WANT a Deal or No Deal game. Its incredibly boring to play over and over on a DS...
I highly doubt we will because of poor reviews from america. Thats how gaming works it seems