Wii Supply Dec 16th

Just called my local Target, the nice lady said they will definitely will have some on SUNDAY! Whe I said "Are you going to have alot of Wii's for sale this Sunday" She said she wasn't sure how many but they will have some. So now my poor mom is going to have to wait out in a Nor Easter on top of the foot we already have on the ground, but it's worth it isn't it?
pathetic non-wii owners LAWL
While you guys will just be getting your wiis, i enjoyed mine for a whole year already. ^^

haha just messing. Good luck to you guys? May a wii find a place in your homes.
i checked the sunday newspaper ads this morning and every store that usually sells Wii's has them in stock

its common knowledge that they come in almost every sunday..

it is not difficult to find a Wii...Target receives them without fail every or every other sunday, and all you have to do is get to the store at 6 AM and wait till it opens at 8, its not bad at all
My mom was there, she won't tell me if she got a Wii, I suppose she got one but we just got like a foot of snow while she was waiting, I think the store entrance is sheltered, so hopefully my mom was first in line. Also, I tried to convince her to buy two and she just laughed =(/.
I got one this morning at Best Buy. I got there at 6:00 am and had to wait while it snowed for two hours before they let us in the store. A manager at the store told me they had 180 wii's in stock this morning. I was so happy to get mine and I got one of 5 guitar hero III's they had in stock. At least I will have fun inside while it snows!

What specific location are you guys saying the Wii is in stock? I live in Toronto Canada please help me! :scared:
Gohansoul said:
What specific location are you guys saying the Wii is in stock? I live in Toronto Canada please help me! :scared:
Target Department Stores and Best Buys Electronic Stores in the US, most of them have been confirmed to have more than 100 Wii's in stock! My mom got one, she won't tell me but they way she said she can't tell me; I know she got one. =) I hope she grabbed a GH3 also!
What specific location are you guys saying the Wii is in stock? I live in Toronto Canada please help me!

Bestbuy in Bay and Dundas

and ToysRus in Cedarbrae in Scarborough

Went to go help some of my friends grab a Wii. Few of my friends camped at Bay and Dundas and by morning there was a massive lineup so there all probably gone by now. They said they had 200 in stock.

Me and some other friends camped at ToysRus to cover more ground but we didnt get a Wii there because there was only 20 in stock and we were number 27 =(.

But yeah Im pretty sure all major outlets had the Wii this morning so you may as well try everywhere you can.