Your Views on Proper Grammar?

I've seen so many mistakes from both Emma and Adam. Your hypocrisy (not just regarding grammar, either) is frightening :\

I'm growing increasingly sick of your superiority complex, Emma. Get off your high horse, because you really do need to brush up on sentence structure among countless other things.
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To whoever asked:
This is my fourth year studying journalism.

I love how everyone started using their best grammar on this post. It's kind of cute.

I actually have to back TacosTacos on this thread. Frogger's last portion of her paragraph was a run-on sentence that made me cringe. I am aware I am a nerd. When every waking moment is spent correcting errors, they just seem to jump off the page. 5 commas between 30+ words. That has to be a record.
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I have to confess: sentence structure doesn't bother me as much online. Stuff like this are comparable to free-form mental dumps. Letting the words out as the mind thinks them is fine with me. It's "dialog", not a thesis paper.

That said... there's no excuse for bad spelling. And spell-check is not enough when we're talking where/ware/were and there/their/they're.

Stupid abbreviations ("u", "ur", "n", "y", "r" etc), "alot", and downright butchering of English are like needles in my eyes. The real nazis are those who desperately have to resort to picking out the most subtle of obscure mistakes of others when they themselves are originally criticized for the horrendous English mangling.

"Hey... can you stop punching me in the arm? It's really annoying."
"Yeah well can you stop breathing my air? That's really annoying too!!!"

So I guess my biggest issue is with "spelling", not "grammar" per se. I understand the topic of this thread says "grammar" but the original poster suggested it's mostly spelling. So there you go.
Hahahah, how utterly predictable. Improper sentence structure is suddenly admissable and we're only focusing on spelling now. Who would've thought these people would randomly retract their statements and alter their stances once their own collective flaws were pointed out.
Oh look, this is candy mountain for Drmario and Emma. Not to mention Brawny.

You enjoy correcting people simply because you think you're better than them. Viva La Forum Superiority Complexions.
I type how I speak, and I am very aware of what is wrong, so is Adam. I actually expect him to correct me when I do it, and he does!

I have never been that smart, never will be, and I don't know what I've said that's made me come across as superior to other people, especially because I can spell. I'll tell you my views on a subject and I'll stick by it, that's not called being superior, that's just called being stubborn.

I like it when people put their dialect into their writing, because I can definitely come up with some words that you guys wouldn't understand because of where I live, and I like that.

If I can actually imagine what someone is talking about coming out of someone's mouth, then they've done their job. There's owlsgo, who I like very much, and I've noticed she doesn't capitalise her I's, but everything she says interests me... It's the manner of the way people say things.

And I've dug up something from my MySpace for you all to enjoy!

ello luvly u ok ladd??
its da 1 da onlyy sophy nugget:p :>
lol wuu2?? luv ya xx

...There's a difference between making an effort and... That... D:
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Celeste said:
Hahahah, how utterly predictable. Improper sentence structure is suddenly admissable and we're only focusing on spelling now.
"Sudden"? The question of spelling came up immediately in the first two posts on this thread. Do try to keep up.

Secondly... I never said this thread should stop talking about grammar too. I never said we're all "focusing on spelling now". Original poster mentioned grammar and spelling. I mentioned spelling matters more to me than grammar. What's your problem?

Who would've thought these people would randomly retract their statements and alter their stances once their own collective flaws were pointed out.
I'm retracting nothing. But feel free to go off the deep end like that if you really think it helps your argument.

Cpt.McCloud said:
Oh look, this is candy mountain for Drmario and Emma.
I have no problem disagreeing with Emma. Go read the thread about guns.

You enjoy correcting people simply because you think you're better than them.
No, I correct people because they rudely make it next to impossible to read what the heck they're trying to say. In fact, I specifically outlined the reasons I correct people just a few posts back. But of course it's easier to ignore that and make up your own reasons.
We all have our own style of writing.
Spell check is amazing.
We all have our annoyances.
Let's save the fighting for something Brawl.

Case closed.
Ashley, I like you. We need more girls around here desperately. Be more active, please xD.
Frogger said:
...There's a difference between making an effort and... That... D:

Then why go around correcting those who make an effort and sometimes insult them?

Y'know...just cool it with all the grammar correcting. An example would be when I made a thread for the Wii Chat Interviews, all Drmario had to say on the matter was that I incorrectly used a '-' and he went out of his way to bring it up.
Yay, Lord Dakuda's here. :D

Cpt.McCloud said:
Then why go around correcting those who make an effort and sometimes insult them?

Y'know...just cool it with all the grammar correcting. An example would be when I made a thread for the Wii Chat Interviews, all Drmario had to say on the matter was that I incorrectly used a '-' and he went out of his way to bring it up.

Uhm, that was just something that was annoying me, I didn't have a problem with it... Jack brought it up, I was just agreeing with him.

I don't correct people, I just really really wish that their/they're/there would be used correctly. I don't totally die inside if it isn't used as it's supposed to... Adam and I have made errors concerning your, where, whatever... They're slip-ups, we know if it's wrong. D:

And if you want to point out my mistakes, be my guest! They all concern past participle... And I frequently use went for gone! And yes, I didn't write those as 'went' or 'gone'! And no, it doesn't annoy me whether you do ". or ." wrong, I'm not that picky.

I'm an art student. That is all.