Zelda What Now?!?!?!?!

yes, a tunic.

the water temple is soo hard. no matter how many times i play it, i always get stuck.

my favourite temple is the sand temple. it has gannodorfs parents in it! :)
Yeh but unti lthen you get very frustrated. I've done it like a million times and still haven't finished it without get so annoyed that i have to stop

The Masters Quest water temple is a lot easier in my opinion
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  • #49
going back to TP i have only 1 fear about it,

and that's that the final battle with ganandorf will be as a wolf

i want a 1 on 1 with a sword, thats all i ask for
Wii Believe said:
going back to TP i have only 1 fear about it,

and that's that the final battle with ganandorf will be as a wolf

i want a 1 on 1 with a sword, thats all i ask for
what makes u think u will be a wolf at the final battle? (besides the pics)
Wii Believe said:
going back to TP i have only 1 fear about it,

and that's that the final battle with ganandorf will be as a wolf

i want a 1 on 1 with a sword, thats all i ask for
Wow do you worry it would be cool, you'd be quick as f**k and gannondorf coudn't hit you
I think there will be two parts to the last battle- possibly more. One as a wolf, one as normal link. You usually have to do more than just one thing to defeat a final boss...

Perhaps the final could take place somewhere between the light/dark word... perhaps a good name for such a place would be 'twilight' ;) and you continuously change from link to wolf and vise-versa.
Either that, or you become a sort of mutant as them both at the same time.... Though i doubt that.
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  • #53
i just think that the wolf is in the twighlight realm, and i believe the final battle will be in the twighlight realm .'. u will be a wolf

but i love the idea of the 2 parts, aslong as the final lunge is with a sword i dont care
Wii Believe said:
i just think that the wolf is in the twighlight realm, and i believe the final battle will be in the twighlight realm .'. u will be a wolf

but i love the idea of the 2 parts, aslong as the final lunge is with a sword i dont care
It depends cuz i think you only turn into wolf at night so if you fight gannon at day time then you will be normal link.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you mean with the seklitos u can avoid thous with the BUNNY HOOD and also i love how you ganna be wolf and i think you could change at anyting time at the lava boss screening you could see a strange item maybe thats how to change into a wolf
i certainly think the change to wolf will be of your own choice; this means it would be used in dungeon puzzled easier. I can't see you having to stand there waiting for night to come, and you can't tell what the time is in dungeons anyway.
No, becoming the wolf is not a choice at all. Ok. So in the beginning the world is just regular old village place. But one day, the new Link's GF (girlfriend) gets taken by a mysterious bandit and he goes through some portal thing. Link is curious and gets sucked through. Inside this alternate dimension, AKA the Dark worrld or somethin, he is human for about 2 secs and gets turned into a wolf. He can also get out of the dark world and be regular, but when in dark place he must be wolf. That how it goes. PHEW. You guys need to get nintendo power.