ZR Elite ~~ GoldenEye Clan

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i know where you are coming from with your love for lightfoot. when i first unlocked it, it made me a MUCH better player. I still find myself wishing i had it sometimes, but you adapt once you stop using it.

I would say if you play better with it. then keep using it. once you find you need more power or more armor, then make the adjustments as needed.

I may go back to lightfoot once i unlock the ivana, we'll see. it's very hard to shoot someone who is strafing with Lightfoot.
I've only used Light Foot my strata/Toros loadout and I found it very useful in getting to my sniping spots a little earlier, but whenever I'm using the strata, in mid/close range fighting I lose sometimes due to having to reload and not having something to switch to.

Then I started using the speed loader gadget, I noticed a major difference in how my close range fighting pans out. It usually goes down to both of us emptying our clip in hip-firing and if both of us are still alive it mostly goes into four different options from there, 1. switching to pistol (which I can't do most of the time due to me keeping a sniper and strata as my main loadout options) 2. a stare down to see who reloads first. 3. either one of us rushing the other to get into melee range. 4. a strategic retreat by one of the gunmen.

That extra reload speed really makes a difference in the first three options. Some people might want to use something else in that slot due to the reload speed being shortened by meleeing or sprinting during the reload animation, but I've only seen that to work effectively with the stauger and the wolfe. I just think that speed loader will keep me alive longer than light foot.
Karp - HH works by reducing the number of bullets needed to kill the person. If it originally took 4, now it takes 3.
Anybody vouching for HH - When using high level guns, HH is basically useless due to the already OPed power and ROF... Speed Loader is good, and I use it, but LF is just for me. Especially on big maps like Station and Nightclub. Personal opinion and playstyle. So don't go shoving your opinions down my throat *cough* VICTOR *cough*
Edit: Also, I don't tend to play defensive, so it's not a matter of me running away from people, it's a matter of me getting to where the enemy is in time. No Lightfoot severely hampers that ability, and if I'm playing Goldeneye mode, I won't be able to stop console being taken in time.
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Heavy Hitter gives you a 14% increase in damage. Bcuz my old account was giving me s*** about my password suddenly not working I had to make a new one so everybody stop sending crap to my old account.
Please stay updated with our website as wiichat mods do not allow us to double post with stuff like clan practices. We will have clan war today right after our practice. If you didn't know this, please visit our website in my sig. THIS WILL BE THE LAST WIICHAT NOTIFICATION OF ZR STUFF.
wiichat mods do not allow us to double post with stuff like clan practices.

Actually, time-sensitive/thoroughly important information for the clan, such as meetings, practice, clan wars, etc. skip over the multi-posting rule. Of course, once another member posts after said multi-post(s) and they no longer need to be seperate posts, they'l be merged for neatness 'n such.
To all members, practice will ALWAYS take place at 7:00 PM EST Saturday UNLESS I say otherwise. About our war, we played good and won every match against 3 level 56s. Congratulations!
Mod edit: No multi posting. Use the edit button instead.


James, what happened to Vincent? He decided to solo?Also, you never replied to my post about lightfoot... Do you use it for anything or is HH always worth its spot?Also, I haven't seen Victor's video, but I'm assuming there is no spectator mode so I was thinking I could record some matches too and give us some more footage...

Also, I usually play later than most because of the time difference ( after 7 Pacific is 10 EST is when I'm usually available) and was wondering who is available at that time? I've had a few games with Kevin, Majora and Medina (who must be up late) and of course Manwell who lives close to me.Who else can play late?Also, Victor, can you update my stats?
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