1v1 league start up


Poe Hunter
Jan 25, 2009
california more specific pico rivera
Wii Online Code
This thread is aimed for making a 1V1 league, in order to do that we need multiple people to help develop it. feedback, ideas, suggestions are all welcomed.

also those who can help perform roles such as video editors and other roles will be greatly appreciated.

thanks for your time, let the suggestions begin with the pre-match rules.
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  • #3
ha ha nice to see you here.
hmm well here is what we have drawn up so far....

Originally Posted by Bio
Here are the 1v1 Fun rules we have agreed with so far.

Member guidelines (subject to change):

To declare yourself a member, you must provide:
-Wiichat Username
-Brawl Username
-Brawl Friend code
-Wii code
-Time Zone (Time zone is found by going to your "User CP" and then to "Edit Options")

Format is as shown:

(BIO: 1234-5678-9012)
Wii Code: 1234-5678-9012-3456
Timezone: GMT -6:00

Pre-Match guidelines (subject to change):

-Players are responsible for challenging each other. Once the players agree, the host must be notified by posting in the thread or PMing the host directly.
-Players must decide on a time to meet online to play (Remember, you and your player might live in different time zones, so this should be understood)
-Players must also decide on a single stage for use in all matches.
-At least one challenge every month. If there is need for delay, PM the host in advance (after the delay deadline, you must resume with the fixed month-by-month deadlines). Failure to play in a timely manner will result in deducted points for both players (*reward system must be discussed further).
-You MUST be prepared to save your video immediately after the match ends.

Match guidelines (subject to change):

-Best 2 out of 3.
-3 stock.
-Items or no items should be agreed by the opponents.
-Agreed stage will be used.
-3-minute time (unrestricted time are each optional if you have a camera yourself, but it must be recorded and sent).
-Saving and sending match video is mandatory.


-All stages are open for play. Remember, both you and the opponent must agree with any stage chosen for the matches.


-All characters are open for play. Remember, no cheapness. The videos will be surveyed.


Here are some necessary questions:
-Does the same character have to be used throughout? no.
-How will the win/lose system work?best two out of 3. one win will be rewarded 10 pts. lost none. if its a cheap win -5 pts.
-Is real-o going to be the guy to recieve all videos? most likely.
-Who is going to survey the videos? more than likely real o and who ever else can. i too will help.
Okay, all those answers sound great. Now we just need real-o to agree to the last two.

I don't have to be the only one, but I want to volunteer helping out with tracking player points. With every battle result posted, we'll have to be sure to keep track of them.

Do anyone else have questions regarding the Pre-Match Guidelines (or anything else from latest version of the rules)?
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Just noticed the thread was made. I am still willing to create and edit videos and survey for cheapness as well. Perhaps some guidelines should be made regarding what constitutes cheapness? I guess I should go get that video capture device. :arf:
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  • #7
is everybody just going to ignore the brawl ladder i made in the online gaming section?

sorry shadow, i don't really like the way the ladder system works here on wii chat. that is why i posted this thread, to make a league without ladders that can be fun and full of experience for people who aren't too good in SSBB.
sorry shadow, i don't really like the way the ladder system works here on wii chat. that is why i posted this thread, to make a league without ladders that can be fun and full of experience for people who aren't too good in SSBB.


That wiichat ladder is kinda funky.
& i believe we would have to hassle shadow like every second as he is the only one who can mess around with it.
So i believe this is better than the ladder.
Why thanks :D
So what else are we missing to start this puppy up?

More suggestions. I think we're all set, but we should wait a bit to give people a chance to give some input...just in case we might be overlooking something crucial.
More suggestions. I think we're all set, but we should wait a bit to give people a chance to give some input...just in case we might be overlooking something crucial.

Ok i re-read everything on jons post.
has anyone decided on how the point system will work?
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  • #13
every win will be lets say 10pts. every loss 0.
every cheap win will result in a loss of 5 pts for the person with the cheap win and the loser will be awarded 5 pts..
Here are the updated rules. They are based on our progress, and I added a few things I forgot to address before:

Membership Guidelines

To declare yourself a member, you must provide:
-Wiichat Username
-Brawl Username (The name you use on Brawl online)
-Brawl Friend code
-Wii code
-Time Zone

We will display your information as shown (subject to change):

(BIO: 1234-5678-9012)
Wii Code: 1234-5678-9012-3456
Timezone: GMT -6:00
Wins: 0 Losses: 0 Total Points: 0 (*Threw this one in. Discuss?)

"Finding Info" Help Section:
How to find your Wii code:
  • Turn on your Wii.
  • Select Wii Message Board (Envelope Icon)
  • Select Create Message (Pencil & Paper Icon)
  • Select Address Book
  • Record the 16-digit code
How to add someone's Wii code:
  • Turn on your Wii.
  • Select Wii Message Board (Envelope Icon)
  • Select Create Message (Pencil & Paper Icon)
  • Select Address Book
  • Select Register (choose Wii)
  • Enter the 16-digit number and give it a name.
How to find your Time Zone:
  • Log into WiiChat
  • Select User CP at the top of the screen
  • Select Edit Options at the left side of the screen
  • Scroll down to see the selected Time Zone
How to find your Brawl Name and Brawl Friend code:
  • Connect online on Brawl
  • Select "With Friends"
  • Select "Friend Roster"
  • The code is the 12-digit code next to your Brawl name at the top of the screen.
How to add someone's Brawl Friend code:
  • Connect online on Brawl
  • Select "With Friends"
  • Select "Friend Roster"
  • Select "Enter Brawl Code"
  • Input the 12-Digit code and enter the Brawl name (if you don't have the name, put in anything you want)

Pre-Match Guidelines

-Players are responsible for challenging each other. Once the players agree, the host (*who will this be?) must be notified by posting in the thread or PMing the host directly.
-When planning a match, the two of you must agree on these factors:
  • -The time both of you will meet online (also remember that both of you might have different time zones)
  • -One stage for use in all necessary matches
  • -If Items (including Smash Balls) will or will not be used
  • -Who will be responsible for saving and sending video
-At least one challenge every month. If you can't make deadline and need a delay, PM the host in advance (after the delay deadline, you will be expected to resume with the fixed month-by-month deadlines).
-Failure to play in a timely manner will result in deducted points for both players (*how many points?).
-You MUST be prepared to save your video immediately after the match ends.​

Match Guidelines

-All challenges will be best 2 out of 3 1v1 Brawls.
-3 stock.
-Items or no items will be agreed by the players.
-Agreed stage will be used.
-3-minute time (unrestricted time are each optional if you have a camera yourself, but it must be recorded and sent).
-Brawls that come down to SUDDEN DEATH will not count and a new Brawl must be played to replace it. (*Not sure if Timed Stock matches can go down to SD. Discuss?).
-Saving and sending match video is mandatory.

How to Send Brawl Video with the Wii
  • First, you must give Real-o your Wii Friend code. (Go to "Member Guidelines" to figure out of to fine your Wii code). Then add his Wii code.
  • After you end a 3-minute game, it will bring you to the Winner splash screen. When it shows your stats after you hit a button once, there will be a button at the bottom of the screen that says "Replay" next to it. Hit that button and it will ask you to save.
  • Select Yes and select the Wii for the storage medium.
  • When you are ready to send the video, exit Brawl online and go to the "Vault". It will have a record of your Replays.
  • Scroll to your video and select "Send".
  • If you saved Real-o's code (and he saved yours), then his name should be listed as one of the people you can send it to.
  • Send it!

How to Send Brawl Video with the SD Card
  • First, you need two things: A SD Card and a USB SD Card reader. I assume you already have a computer with USB ports.
  • After you end a 3-minute game, it will bring you to the Winner splash screen. When it shows your stats after you hit a button once, there will be a button at the bottom of the screen that says "Replay" next to it. Hit that button and it will ask you to save.
  • Select Yes and select the SD Card for the storage medium.
  • When you are ready to send the video, take your SD card out of your Wii and put it into a USB card reader for your computer.
  • Scroll to your video on your computer and Upload it on a video hosting site.
  • Send it to Real-o on WiiChat through a Private Message.

Point System

-One Brawl win in a "best 2 out of 3 Brawls" Match is 10 points.
-One loss is worth 0 points.
-A win through cheap tactics (decided by hosts) will still be recorded as a win, but the cheap winner's 10 points will instead be evenly divided (5 points given to the winner and loser).
-Only those who run the League determine how points are given.
-Wins and Losses and Point Totals will also be recorded alongside points (*Just threw this one in. Discuss?)

-Match Reward Examples:
  • Bio vs. JonRyan match results are 2-to-1. Bio gets 20 points (2 wins, 1 losses added). JonRyan gets 10 pts (1 win, 2 losses added).
  • Bio vs. JonRyan match results are 0-to-2. Bio gets 0 points (2 losses added). JonRyan gets 20 pts (2 wins added).
  • Bio vs. JonRyan match results are 2-to-1. Bio gets 25 pts (2 wins, 1 loss added). JonRyan gets 5 points (1 win, 2 losses added). The League Host(s) decided JonRyan was using cheap tactics in the match he won so JonRyan's expected 10-point win points were divided. 5 of those points went to Bio and the other 5 go to JonRyan.

-Your score will be updated on the Member List in the original post (*Just threw this one in. Discuss?)

-All stages are open for play. Remember, both you and the opponent must agree with a stage for use in the entire match.​


-All characters are open for play. Remember, no cheapness. The videos will be surveyed.​
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(Double Posted since the board wouldn't let me add any more text):

Questions (from the asterisks in the rules):

*Do we want to put a Win/Loss section for Member info? (I wouldn't mind keeping track)
*Will the original post have a Member List with Member info? (I would only assume so)
*Who will Members notify to confirm a scheduled Match? Will it have to be one person? More than one? (My guess would be JonRyan or me, or both)
*Will points be deducted for not meeting deadlines (and if so, how many)?
*Does Sudden Death happen in Timed Stock Brawls? If so, how are we going to deal with SUDDEN DEATH outcomes in Brawls (they make brawls last too long for Replays)?

Before you answer, I attempted to address most of them in the Rules (find the asterisks and small bold text), so you can also try and see if my decisions work or not.
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