animal lovers come here


Poe Hunter
Jan 25, 2009
california more specific pico rivera
Wii Online Code
this thread is about people who love animals and have stories they'd like to share about them. the second post will be dedicated to those that were lost. share your funnies and everything else you want to about that special little creature you have.

first let me introduce you to punchy(yes his name is a reference to animal crossing :]) he is about 4 years old and is a pure bred Persian(making him worth about 2000$). he is a very friendly cat who like to be pet. pretty lazy but thats nothing out of the ordinary for a cat. i love him a lot and he sleeps everytime something is wrong. he is extremely funny in ways you can't imagine but lets wait until more post come untill we share stories and other sub pets.
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i have had about 6 bunnies in my life but they all died =[.......over time they died
The longest i had 1 for is about 3 years i think
Shes a right nutter
i've had millions of animals but i'll start with my favorites that i lost along the way:

1. snowball
Its kinda hard to have millions of the larger animals

But ants on the other hand
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i've always wanted a bunny but my mom would never let me have one.
i remember once during Easter it was weird cause i lived in a house where there were fences all around and one day i went to the back and a week before easter i found a bunny.i brought him inside and took care of him and every night i'd let him go back outside and on the day of easter he disappeared :/ pretty freaky to me.
i've always wanted a bunny but my mom would never let me have one.
i remember once during Easter it was weird cause i lived in a house where there were fences all around and one day i went to the back and a week before easter i found a bunny.i brought him inside and took care of him and every night i'd let him go back outside and on the day of easter he disappeared :/ pretty freaky to me.
Ive had rabbits in the past
There easy to look after cheap to feed but never get a male and a female one as they can have a fair few babys and sometimes it is known that the parents will kill the babys
I used to have a white Hamster named Hopchu. She was always my favorite pet. She got red eyes and went insane before she died, through.

I also had a Praying Mantis named Archo. My grandma gave it to me. After it died, I made a coffin for it out of Legos. Its my olny pet that I didnt touch...I dont like touching bugs, OK?

I also had a white bird named Kekey. We got rid of her since she was so loud. My parents did, anyway.

Right now my dad has a black cat named Midnight. We used to have two but my dad sold one.

My step mom used to have a dog name Jake, too.

I also had two other birds, two frogs, some fish, but those arnt really important.
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really now, hmm did you got off on that or something b/c i really don't see the significance in posting that. but if you do that fine with me :] whatever floats your boat.
really now, hmm did you got off on that or something b/c i really don't see the significance in posting that. but if you do that fine with me :] whatever floats your boat.
They where hard not to see as they dragged along the floor.

It was funny

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