Anywhere you can download Brawl tracks?


The Shoke
Mar 30, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Wii Online Code
How ironic- I out of all people should know. But, yea, anyone know a site where we can download all the music from Brawl? Don't say IGN cause they only have like 15 there.....I'm talkin all the tracks, or at least, most of them. I mean dang, the music they have on the game is just awesome. Anyone know a place?
yeah i had posted a megaupload for ssbb songs in Naistoh's thread, but he asked me to remove it. I'll try to find it again, but i haven't tested it so be warned.
???? I'm not sure if it is or isn't but it's not like you can buy the tracks anywhere, so you're not interfering with anyone's profit...
I'm just providing the links, I'm not gonna download them either.
search "super smash bros brawl soundtrack torrent" in google, and you can download all 314 tracks
(I cant post the exact link)