Best way to rank up?

I can't bother with the guns, with my new profile. The extra amount of exp you get from it, is not worth the playing time.
To me.. the best way to rank up is playing Black Box.

Tip: Don't get the Black Box, just stay killing people(more Xp) and dont mind if your team is losing, anyways, what you want is to level up.
To me.. the best way to rank up is playing Black Box.

Tip: Don't get the Black Box, just stay killing people(more Xp) and dont mind if your team is losing, anyways, what you want is to level up.

Just tried this and got 1000xp on my first game. Thanks for the tip, bro.
Yeah! That's what I was doing when I had a "Legit" profile. Lot of Xp!!
Today i had a 17XX game in the goldeneye mode so...
I guess it depends on how good/bad your opponents are.
If they are bot-mode level and you can just rip through it's all smiles when it comes to gathering exp.
When i first started online my cousin told me to play heroes because you can earn more xp. From then i played that only but started to get bored and earn only about 300xp so i switched to team conflict for a couple of days but that didn't help because the score limit is only 40. Then i played gg. The amount of xp you can earn in one game is mind-blowing.


Level 25-6 (30 xp left)
ID: [SS]SamiS
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Yeah, Heroes is like the best way to rank up but, most of the players in that mode are like 45+ Which means most of them are good playing(not all 40+ are good) but since they have the Anova and Strata they'll sure kick asses!

Thats why I recommend Black Box ;)
I think a good strategy is to find out which mode is most to your liking.
Then stick with it most of the time. That way you can become good in that particular mode.
For me that's Goldeneye.

Goldeneye has suited me from the very first i played it. It has killing, it a teambased game so it's not too crowded for my taste, there are 5 hackspots so campers can't afford to stay in one spot (unless they don't mind losing). The other modes imo pale by comparison.

Conflict was too crowded for my liking, team conflict and heroes too often become camping games which is just boring and annoying. Black Box is all around one stupid little box.
But, crowded modes make the game more interesting :p

And thats why I love Black Box. Everyone is around the box and I can kill them easily :)
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I get the most xp from just playing regular conflict or license to kill, and just dominating as much as possible. I can see how people can get more xp from heroes or from sniping on goldeneye, but I think you need to stick to what you are good at. Golden gun mode can give you more xp than some of the others, but usually only IF YOU WIN. The thing about golden gun is that if you get someone that is particularly good with the gg (especially in a small map), then they can skillfully rack up 6-7 gg kills in no time and end the match very quickly. As a result, they will be the only person to come out of it with a half-decent amount of xp, while everyone else is left wondering "what the heck just happened, and how could the match be over when 2nd place only got 150xp??!"

A tip for those who are good enough to be "that person" on gg...make sure you are the host! No one likes finishing 2nd with less than 150xp in under 3 minutes! LOL It is also a great way to rack up win steaks...hmmm...ummm...nevermind... :wink:

...or you could just read the threads about finding a hacker to give you a boosted xp game...grrr.... :frown5:

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