Brawl online play rankings


OMWT! It's a shnorgplaph
Oct 27, 2007
"There will also be no battle records kept for this mode, so whether you win or lose, it doesn’t matter. Just sit back and play." ~ :scared:

I really wish that they would include world rankings in this game and I think a lot of people would find it really cool to see where the ranked in the world. I would be willing to wait about 2 extra years for this feature although I know they could add it a whole lot quicker than that... It's just that was one thing I was really hoping it would have and really looking forward to...

"We’re planning a number of services that make use of Wi-Fi, but we’ll reveal them gradually with the other modes. Enjoy."
~ :smilewinkgrin:

I can see them having a free play mode that didn't count for rankings, but I still think it would be really awesome to see how you rank compared to the world and I think a lot of people would agree with me on this.

This is my idea now for them to have a ranking system? Make the fight matchups better, and prevent annoying people/cheaters from ruining the online experience:

-Rankings should be kept for online battles that are against anyone, unless you choose ahead of time to not count rankings for that battle.
-You could challenge specific people by there rank if they had challenges turned on
-When you entered a fight you would be paired with whoever is online and is closest to you in rank and location
-While in a fight if one player disconnects in any way they will automatically forfeit couting as a loss for them and a in for their opponent
-After a fight your rank goes up/down depending on if you win or lose and the distance between your and your opponents ranks

The advantages:

-People in fights will be as close to your rank as possible so if you have a high rank you won't be fighting new/bad players
-People won't go on it to mess around and annoy people because if they do their rank will go down putting them at the bottom with the other people that do the same stuff
-People could see how they ranked in the world
-You could still have the option to play just for fun so people could pratice fighting without actually losing rank
-They could set up online tournaments and a lot of things that work off of this...
-If people have mods/cheats they could be "reported" and have a temporary/permanent suspension from the online play except against their friends...
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Why is everyone making such a big deal about this? There are rankings, games with friends are ranked games. Even if they weren't, who cares?
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because rankings would make the game 500% better...
Paulpro said:
"There will also be no battle records kept for this mode, so whether you win or lose, it doesn’t matter. Just sit back and play." ~ :scared:

I really wish that they would include world rankings in this game and I think a lot of people would find it really cool to see where the ranked in the world. I would be willing to wait about 2 extra years for this feature although I know they could add it a whole lot quicker than that... It's just that was one thing I was really hoping it would have and really looking forward to...

"We’re planning a number of services that make use of Wi-Fi, but we’ll reveal them gradually with the other modes. Enjoy."
~ :smilewinkgrin:

I can see them having a free play mode that didn't count for rankings, but I still think it would be really awesome to see how you rank compared to the world and I think a lot of people would agree with me on this.
so if you could choose between online co-op, shareing pics and all that. and to see what rank you are and who's the best ranking one (10 wins, 0 loses?)
Paulpro said:
because rankings would make the game 500% better...
(Numbers are Mine)
1. Thats an opinion
2. There are rankings

Get over yourself.
i agree with leve. i mean, why would u want to play random people when u can play with ur friends? i mean really, IM NEVER GOING TO CLICK THE "WITH ANYONE" button cause i have PLENTY OF WII FRIENDS to play with.
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There are not world ranking only rankings amongst your friends. I think the ranking system should be based on who you win against not just wins and loses. For instance, You are ranked 100 000th and you beat someone ranked 200 000th your rank would hardly go up but if you are ranked 200 000th and you beat someone ranked 100 000th then your rank would go up majorily
Shoko said:
i agree with leve. i mean, why would u want to play random people when u can play with ur friends? i mean really, IM NEVER GOING TO CLICK THE "WITH ANYONE" button cause i have PLENTY OF WII FRIENDS to play with.
i would do the wiith (lol) anyone button because most of my wii friends arent online, and my friends that own a wii in RL cant get their internet to work. said:
i would do the wiith (lol) anyone button because most of my wii friends arent online, and my friends that own a wii in RL cant get their internet to work.
then register some new friends lol
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I have enough wii friends and more friends that are getting wii's, but seriously (on melee anyways) I can beat them all 95% of the time... So I want to play against world players based on their rank not just random people that are sometimes good and sometimes suck...
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Umm... I have no idea who shocko is... I only add people I really know.
Then stop complaining about not having any competition, thats your own problem.
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Well I would have competition if it matched you with people around your rank... and I still think that a lot of people would like to know where they rank in the world...

I mean seriously that's the good thing about any game is it's highscores (the competition and if it's worldwide it's that much better...
Paulpro said:
I mean seriously that's the good thing about any game is it's highscores (the competition and if it's worldwide it's that much better...
Pong w/ Online Ranking > SSBB w/o Online Ranking

Amazing logic.

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