controler add ons


Jul 7, 2006
I heared Nintendo didnt put too much into the controler (microphone,camera,ect.) because they want to keep it simple and easy to use. Do you think once everyone gets a feel for the controler, they will release other attachments? If so what kind of attachments?

It would be cool if they made cases for the contoler for certain games to improve the expirience. For instance a steering wheel with a slot for the controler. Or maybe even a sword? Its nintendo were talking about, the sky is the limit!


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I think they will eventually have a steering wheel, just about every system has one.

I think they might do some kind of boxing attachment.
It was my understanding that the Wii would have a camera? I think I read it somewhere on this forum. Someone let me know if I'm wrong. And the controller has a little speaker, not a mic - but they're thinking about a headset right?
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Dav_4550 said:
It was my understanding that the Wii would have a camera? I think I read it somewhere on this forum. Someone let me know if I'm wrong. And the controller has a little speaker, not a mic - but they're thinking about a headset right?
I dont think it will have a camera as far as i hear. And those in the parenthesis were only things that they might have considered putting into the controler, i know it doesnt have a mic. and i have not heared anything about a headset but it wouldnt surprise me if they do make one.

Oh, I found an article that debunked the camera thing on the Wii. They claimed to prove the images fake since they had the photoshopped picture (with the "camera") next to the original. I was led astray by misinformation. :sick:

the article is here, just in case anyone is curious:

It's actually kind of an old article. weird.
Octogon said:
I think they will eventually have a steering wheel, just about every system has one.

I think they might do some kind of boxing attachment.

In the Excite Truck preview they showed someone holding the controller horizontally for a steering wheel.
Mr_Stoukaph said:
In the Excite Truck preview they showed someone holding the controller horizontally for a steering wheel.

I know you can use the controller horzontally for a steering wheel. But I think they will release some-type of steering wheel for the Wii oneday.
Octogon said:
I know you can use the controller horzontally for a steering wheel. But I think they will release some-type of steering wheel for the Wii oneday.
Yeah... maybe will see then
-KB said:
i saw a gun, (lightgun) attatchment.

can you all say area51 (one of my favorite arcade games) on the wii???

Two of my friends memorized the layout of the whole map of that game. kinda pathetic...
Mr_Stoukaph said:
Two of my friends memorized the layout of the whole map of that game. kinda pathetic...


im not that bad, just everytime i go see a movie at the cinema, i pop in $.50 to see how far i can get.

i think i beat the game with 2.50 before ;)
motherbrainrulez said:
I think 3rd party developers will make there own like a flight stick that comes with the game.

and the wii is supposed to be cheaper to develop games huh?

i cant imagine that many developers/ third parties will make many controllers period.

actually a smart move by nintendo, no more third party cheap ass controllers being made.
what's a smart move by Nintendo, I'm pretty sure NYKO will still try to make stuff for it.

It's cheaper to develop the games for because it's internal hardware is a lot easier to work with than the cell processor and other garbage, for example, of the PS3.
sorry i didnt eloberate like i wanted to. not many third partie hardware companies like madkatz, will want to mess with the whole wiimote thing.

and controllers would cost alot of money to individual game developers, so i highly doubt many games will have "special" controllers.

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