Disturbing Wii Third Party Sales


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Well, it looks as though December NPD will be dropping in the very near future and I would be surprised if the data suggested anything except that Nintendo completely destroyed during the month. Wii and DS sales should be through the roof. And games like Galaxy, Guitar Hero III and even that stubborn Wii Play should all perform very, very well, too. But if you look beyond mega-sales of Nintendo-published videogames and the successful third-party efforts that bridge the gap between hardcore and casual, you will still see some developers struggling to land a hit on Nintendo's console.

I'm on the phone with the president of a big development studio yesterday. His teams have created an original IP for Wii. It's dark and scary. And while every publisher they've met up with has loved the premise and execution of the game, few of them want to touch it. Why? Nobody believes it will sell on Wii. Let me just drive that home. Publishers think it's an amazing effort. But not for Wii.

I can't even call this logic crazy, either, as much as I wish I could. Fact is, a quick examination of NPD sales shows clearly that many of Wii's top sellers are titles whose presentations steer as far away from the M rating as possible. Sure, Resident Evil 4 and even Umbrella Chronicles performed pretty damned good, but these titles are part of a series that is nearly as recognizable and popular as Zelda or Mario, for crying out loud. Metroid Prime 3, one of the best games on Wii, barely edged past 500,000 in sales (shameful!). Carnival Games is set to surpass that. Manhunt 2? I'm not even sure if Wii owners realized it shipped. (It's out, by the way.)

Right now, developers hoping to deliver an adult-themed game to Wii owners are facing a serious Catch 22 situation. Publishers are reluctant to touch it because there is nothing out there, the anomaly that is Resident Evil aside, that unequivocally proves that Wii owners care about these types of games. And since few publishers are willing to take a chance on original M-rated Wii games, the proof needed to sustain more M-rated games on Wii may never arrive.

It's no different outside of America. Look at Japan, where the solidly reviewed No More Heroes just shipped and flopped. Director Suda 51 recently made comments in which he admitted that he wasn't aware that the Wii demographic was largely uninterested in mature-style titles like this. He also said he would like to make a No More Heroes sequel, but if sales don't suddenly spike in America, I seriously doubt he'll ever get that chance. His next project could very well be on another system, where it is more likely to find success.

I believe this is an issue that must be addressed by Nintendo itself because third-parties don't seem to have the balls to take a chance. The Big N, on the other hand, has all the necessary advantages. One, gamers like you are more likely to buy a Wii title published by Nintendo. You can deny it all you want, but you know it's true. Second, Nintendo has the resources to create a AAA adult-themed (and exclusive) Wii game -- or several of them, which would be preferable.

Retro Studios. These guys are taking a vacation from Samus Aran's universe. Let's hope they've got something up their sleeves that is very, very light on mini-games and with themes that will appeal to the hardcore. NST. Well, Project Hammer went bye-bye. Keep your fingers crossed for something even cooler. Monolith Soft. They made Baten Kaitos and Disaster: Day of Crisis shows promise. Nintendo EAD doesn't seem at all interested in creating these types of projects, but Mario and Zelda are not enough to sustain a healthy and robust development environment -- one that proves to third-parties that they can succeed with their own adult titles. So, Nintendo, farm some stuff out and do it quickly. There are all sorts of third-party developers who would love to create original story-driven or adult-themed IP for Wii. If third-party publishers won't give them the chance, you should.

Agreed we us Ninty fans really need to get behind decent third party titles after all if they don't sell we won't be seeing any decent thrid party games!
The thing is we havent gotten any really big title 3rd partys its all throw away crap...

This is a GOOD thing 3rd party sales are dropping when it comes to mediocre titles, they cant just shovel crap onto the Wii and think its gonna sell... They need good games and they need to advertise them half as much as PS3 and 360 does... how many people have seen a Wii 3rd party game advertsied? i never have i try to catch a glimps of a big title game ad in the corner to see if i can notice a Wii symbol aswell...

its there own fault when they dont advertise and if they dont put any effort into it... i sympathize with good games that havent done well like Zack and Wiki, but i never saw a single add for it and i always look for adds... Why would the casual gamer notice?

the Big title games like GH3 for Wii has done great selling out just as fast as the Wii itself, but they advertise like crazy... honestly i think some of these publishers have no buisness sence at all.. they need to devert some of there funds twards Wii adds and development or not bother... id rather have 25 really good 3rd party games to choose from than 100 crap games they didnt bother putting time money or effort into...
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Thing is, the developer for No More Heroes said the other day that he would make a sequel to No More Heroes.

I would love one, but it all comes down to how well it sells, and if it doesn't sell well..no sequel unfortunately.

not ALL wii owners are little kids in pj's going berserk over NINTENDO SIXTYF-ahem-WIIIIIIIIII!
what developers need to do is take time and make games with great games and graphics that can be compared to smg, instead of porting over crappy ps2 games, also nintendo has to stop letting developers release any game for there system like that spy games thing, i mean who the hell wants to play stuff like that
I dont think it will improve. Doesn't matter if they advertise more it will only help boost sales a little. MP3 was advertised alot, but still barely hit 500,000 sales according to them. Thats very bad... Thats supposed to be a AAA Nintendo title. One of Wii's best that didnt even break a mill. I dont even think Galaxy went 2 mill. No matter how many ads you make, the fact remains that most of the Wii owners are little kids or just casual adults. Facts is facts, it doesnt matter if everyone here was 18 because most of the owners dont even go on forums, especially not gaming forums.

Even if a game like Ninja Gaiden 2 which is a great game, but not widely known, is not giong to sell on the Wii because those kids/casual adults are not going to want it. Kids: Too violent for them, or they just want some Mario, Sonic, Carnival Games, etc. etc. Adults just want things like Wii bowling and Wii baseball, Mario Party, etc. Its already been said that the games that are non Nintendo that sell are mini games.

Also the fact that Xbox 360 makes up more than 50% of 3rd party sales does not help Wii's case. Btw I cant give you link to quote that because honestly I dont go adding articles to my favorites. Just take my word for it :/

Edit: Guitar Hero 3 cannot be used as an example that 3rd party can sell. Because the fact is that game reaches a huge and broad audience. Hardcore Gamers, Casual Gamers and even Kids and Older Adults play that. Which Wii customers are full of Casual/Kids.
yeah...i deeply regret wasting 50 dollars on metroid. not to say it wasn't fun and all, but it just wasn't worth it. then again, i guess it isn't exactly my type of game.

and like lackluster said, the lack of multiplayer really disappointed me.
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lackluster dj said:
shoulda put some multiplayer on metroid... i own it and love it, but lotsa people skipped on it for this reason imo

No they shouldn't have, as it would not work well at all. Personally to me, it wouldn't feel right. Metroid Prime was good for what it was. I don't know why this even came up though, as that is a first party game, not third party.

Developers early on, rushed Wii games and ported several Ps2 games over to Wii as well. None of those looked good at all. However, they have since realized their mistakes and have mentioned that they are taking their time with the games from now on. Games like No More Heroes..awesome idea, overall pretty great, if we got more fresh things like that I would be happy. We can expect some solid games from third party developers in the middle-end of 2008.

But, after these games that developers took their time on come out and if people don't but them, we can expect more of the same with the rushed/mini/port games, which no one wants. People need to buy the great games we are given, and when people are complaining about games, especially now it makes me mad. Games like No More Heroes, Sadness (2009?), Disaster Day Of Crisis, routinely canceled/brought back game Project Hammer..all great stuff. Plus the games we don't know of just yet, honestly we have good stuff for this year. If none of those games appeal to you, then the quite frankly the Wii doesn't appeal to you.
its all the developers fault for not advertising and putting **** on the wii. most wii owners arent stupid. we wont buy crap since we a get an insight of the game. if developers dont see a market, they should attempt to make one. they should try to make titles that people would actually buy. if its so bad you wouldnt even play it yourslef, then not a good game is all i have to say.

it is true that nintendo has to lead to way for third parties. im not going to go say that nintendo is doing something wrong, but they should try to pull in some a certain market that the 3rd parties actually want to invest in.

just a prediction, but i believe that the wii will only specialise in platformers, fighters and adventure games by the end of its life span. but in all seriousness the ads that the 3rd parties put up is pathetic. Zack and Wiki was never once advertised, moh:h2 was only advertised online for 3 days before release.

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