Do you believe in Aliens/UFOs


WiiChat Member
Mar 15, 2009
Do you, if so why?

Have you ever had an experience with an ET/Alien that you'd like to share with everyone.

I know, it doesn't get anymore off topic then this.
I think life has evolved on other planets, but I don't buy into those flying saucer/alien abduction stories.

There are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the Universe, and it's presumed that just about all of them have planets. Life on Earth seems to be able to exist anywhere where there is water, so if we assume that life exists on every planet or moon with water, chances are quite of them have life (our solar system alone has water on Earth, Europa, and possibly Enceladus).
I think there is for sure, I definitely believe there is something else out there.

I used to love reading all the theories about them and how people have seen them or seen crash sites and spaceships etc.

What's really going on in Area 51 too?
Yes, although most probably is limited to mere micro-organisms.
Perhaps in the more extreme environments, but that's not necessarily true in general. The thing is, we don't know how many Earth-like planets are out there, nor do we know just how Earth-like a planet has to be for complex life to evolve (bear in mind, the climate of the Earth itself has changed since multi-celled organisms first came about).

What's scarier- knowing we're alone in the Universe, or knowing we're not?
Well I'd hate to think we're the only ones invited to the party.
Definatly. Have we been visited? I dunno. There's been former astronauts confirm it but they might just be lying or crazy. But maybe not :shifty:
I'd find it foolish to believe that out of the billions of galaxies floating around that we're the only living creatures in the universe. Like Kyle, I also don't fall for those crazy abduction stories.

But, I have had experience with ET/Aliens before... a long time ago, when I was a kid. I went into the local convenient store and I saw these Aliens sitting on the shelves.. so I took them home and ate them.

I'll never forget how delicious those gummy alien candies were.
I believe that there's other life out there. I remember reading an article about space debris that came to earth had fossilized remnants of a single celled organism.

Napalm, my school has to read a book called Rare Earth Junior year. It's about theories relative to how life can happen on other planets, and just how hard it was to happen on our planet. Maybe you should check it out?
I believe
But do u?
I believe that there's other life out there. I remember reading an article about space debris that came to earth had fossilized remnants of a single celled organism.
Ah, that would be the Martian rock they found in Antarctica (if you're wondering how it got there, it was thrown off the surface of Mars in a meteorite impact, and it eventually ended up on Earth). The jury's still out on that one, it's quite possible it was contaminated with Earth bacteria.

Napalm, my school has to read a book called Rare Earth Junior year. It's about theories relative to how life can happen on other planets, and just how hard it was to happen on our planet. Maybe you should check it out?
Don't worry, I'm already well aware of the Rare Earth hypothesis, since I have a strong interest in planetary science. Indeed, it's possible that planets like Earth almost never occur, bur it's impossible to tell at the moment since rocky planets beyond our solar system are hard to detect with current technology. Of the dozen or so rocky planets discovered so far, none of them are likely to be very Earth-like.

And besides, we don't really know how likely it is for life to evolve on a planet, because we only have one case to go by.