Fire Emblem: The Goddess of Dawn

SuperSmasher025 said:
i wonder how many people want this game. personally, i do but tell me your opinions.

Hey i sorta seen this game before i havnt seen much about it though, got any more info to help decide.....

it isnt a launch game i guess either in the uk u.u there is no rpg's as launch games over here i dont think
I've struggled to find any detailed information on the game, ive just seen a few snippets of gameplay in montage videos. Could be good, lets hope we get it in the UK.
SuperSmasher025 said:
i wonder how many people want this game. personally, i do but tell me your opinions.

I love fire emblem I'm definately getting it has anyone got any video links so I can see it or images
There isn't that much info on this game, but they've released some pics and little videos of it, i believe in Japan its aiming for a February launch and in the US its gonna be in the Summer, 06.

The game looks pretty sweet, it is a Sequel to Path of Radiance for the Gamecube. Its Three years after Ike and the gang defeated Ashnard and an older version of Sothe is in your party. Also a light spellcaster named Mikaya. Also some other few charactars too. But its gonna be basically the same scheme as PoR with improved graphics, differents levels, and maybe some old faces from PoR

i personally can't wait for this game, it looks pretty sweet
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I too , have only seen a few clips of the game. If you'd like to see a little of the gameplay, i have a few links to youtube if you want to see them.

this clip shows a little about how the game is played:

This link shows a 5 minute japan commercial on upcoming wii games for the wii in Japan. The fire emblem clip is near the beginning of the clip so watch carefully.
I can't wait. We need some good rpgs on the Wii, something that becomes a system seller. Other than Zelda. Not knocking that of course. I already reserved it :)
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Sabin said:
I can't wait. We need some good rpgs on the Wii, something that becomes a system seller. Other than Zelda. Not knocking that of course. I already reserved it :)

me neither. i really like playing RPG games and i think fire emblem will be a good one. :yesnod:
I can guarantee I will buy this eventually. I played the gamecube title and was extremely impressed. Storyline is great on that game.
Sabin said:
I can't wait. We need some good rpgs on the Wii, something that becomes a system seller. Other than Zelda. Not knocking that of course. I already reserved it :)
Tales of Symphonia anyone?
That was a good RPG for the gamecube, if not one of the best on it. I really hope they make a new Tales game for the Wii, that would be pretty sweet. Even it did use the Gamecube controller, it would still be awesome. With the Wii remote it would be kind of weird dont ya think?
Blackjack said:
Tales of Symphonia anyone?
That was a good RPG for the gamecube, if not one of the best on it. I really hope they make a new Tales game for the Wii, that would be pretty sweet. Even it did use the Gamecube controller, it would still be awesome. With the Wii remote it would be kind of weird dont ya think?

Can't say I've ever played that game on GC before. I do agree though, it would be weird with the Wii remeote. I would probably prefer it used the GC controller.
cant wait, hope they have some different classes though i feel that there weren't enogh in sacred stones, too alike in fire emblem and not enought different types in the game, plus i like side quests they are fun but were there any in PoR???

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