Fox Fan Club

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  • #106
wolf231 said:
BS....but if wolf was in SSBB, he would kick foxs ass anyday.

Damn Straight
HA! You wish son, id RAPE Wolf, just like Fox always does, FACE!
You'd rape wolf.....EWWW!!!!!!:scared: and the only reason fox wins is cause hes the good guy if he was the bad guy he would get the sh!t smacked out of him and wolf killed fox's dad (James) and he was a better pilot than fox the end fox sucks compared to wolf :yesnod:
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  • #108
Wolf didnt kill James McCloud you idiot, Andross did, and Fox mutalated Wolf and his crew, get your facts straight kid.
Tails McCloud~ said:
Wolf didnt kill James McCloud you idiot, Andross did, and Fox mutalated Wolf and his crew, get your facts straight kid.
Same thing :) anyway wolf has better ships than fox does and like i said before the only reason fox wins is because he is the good guy okay!!!!!
GET IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Fox wins unfairly just cause he's the good guy.....if i had it my way fox would have been dead ages ago and then they could start a new series 'Star Wolf Adventures' love that title
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  • #112
icetrash, you like an obese croc. with an eye tic and a god, and Wolf, Fox always wins because hes BETTER THAN WOLF! Wolf even had the minorly superior Wolfen, which I suggest you address it by next time, and team StarFox always wins, not because they are heroes, because they have more SKILL, neoch...


P.S. ARWING is better looking than Wolfen
It doesn´t matter who´s best, the fact is, fox Is the main character and without him, there would be no franchise
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  • #114
There, your right though, without Fox there is no Wolf, or anything else for that matter, so respect him damn it, i dont understand all of you, SonicFalcoBrawlWii, Wolfang, Icetrash, etc. that think there better, the fact is that Fox is the MC and theres no changing it, you can compete with rival cherictters like Falco and Wolf, but Fox is still on top so you might as well join the bandwagon or keep your own chericters and respect him. Im getting tired of flaming other flamers that come into a FAN CLUB and start saying that there cherecters are better, its a FOX FAN CLUB, so join if your a FOX MCCLOUD FAN, or join SonicFalcoBrawlWii's FALCO FAN CLUB if your a Falco fan, sheesh
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  • #115
Erase please
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dude y are u attackin me now??

and yea but the reason that all of or fans clubs or like this really is the fault of ICETRASH without him my thread would of been beter or for you that wolf guy not wolfang the other one and you sort of spamed my for a time being and i spamed yours but this whole thing is all opipons so let them say that THEY DON"T LIKE FOX THEY GOT TO GO OR THINK HE'S OK (like me) AND TELL THEM TO START THEIR OWN FAN CLUBIF THEY DON'T LIKE YOUR OR MINE:mad2:
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the thing is, Fox is Fox, no matter how much people hates him, as long as there is people who likes him like us, he´ll do fine.
and as I said before he´s one of the best ssbm characters, Wolf or not, Falco or not, he´ll still be one of the finest on brawl, I´m sure of that.
wolfang said:
It doesn´t matter who´s best, the fact is, fox Is the main character and without him, there would be no franchise
Yes but it could be called Star Wolf......and you could kick all the star fox team's asses......and look i'm not saying fox is **** (I'm saying icetrash is **** but thats not the point) i just like wolf better............okay!!!!! no need to flame me :thumbsup:

SonicFalcoBrawlwii said:
dude y are u attackin me now??

and yea but the reason that all of or fans clubs or like this really is the fault of ICETRASH without him my thread would of been beter or for you that wolf guy not wolfang the other one and you sort of spamed my for a time being and i spamed yours but this whole thing is all opinions so let them say that THEY DON"T LIKE FOX THEY GOT TO GO OR THINK HE'S OK (like me) AND TELL THEM TO START THEIR OWN FAN CLUBIF THEY DON'T LIKE YOUR OR MINE:mad2:

Ohh...shut up......the other wolf guy could atleast say my name....i agree on u with u saying that it's icetrash's fault :) but don't get pissed off at me cause i said wolf was better
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LOL!! So its my fault now? People listen hard and clear. I dont "flame" your fan club threads for nothing. I have a reason. My reason is that King K.Rool will beat all your crap arse characters like Fox, Falco and Wolf. All of those characters are crap! Characters like King K.Rool, DK, Diddy Kong, Gex and Bonk are all good. But FOX???!! Falco?? Wolf?!?!? LOL! They just make me laugh. Crocodiles eat foxes and they eat falcons and they eat wolf. So that makes it

King.Rool > Fox > Falco > Wolf

And Tails McCloud I think I deserve some respect as I am saying that Fox is better than Falco and Wolf.
Has anyone considerd marth as one of the characters in SSBM not-many-people-can-use? He's my main