Game Magazine Explodes with Wii Coverage *New Wii/MP3: C Info*


Yay I'm dead!
Jul 21, 2006
Over the Stars
“Demo was impressive, intense, and once we became used to the mechanics, a blast to play”
“New Corruption mechanic having to do with ‘phasons’”
“Implimenting a ‘Weapon stacking’ system similar to that in ‘Super metroid’, you will be able to ’stack’ beams on top of each other in a way that you will continue to have the same power as the previous beam, but the new beam will be will be added on top”
“Context sensitive events like in RE4″
“No (or very little) scanning, more focus on interaction with motion controls” (this art is sort of vague)
“Can’t discuss plans for speaker at this time”
“No multiplayer freatures planned, but very excited about Wiiconnect possibilities”
“New costumes for samus (not functional but just for looks)”
“set ‘a few months’ after the events of Prime 2″
“no hunters from ds version in the game but ‘plenty of new hunters’ in prime 3″
“Graphics have been updated since E3, more memory has been added ‘a very noticable improvment in the quaitys of the visuals”

Source: CLICK!

Here are some pics:





A lot of great news just keeps coming up! I am now more hyped for Metroid Prime 3 than ever, and of course more hyped for the Wii itself! What are your thoughts on this?

Bringing you the Wii news as soon as possible,

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RhythmGen said:
No... multiplayer... *gasp* NO!!!!! *crying*

Not that this is new, just that it burns my heart
First they said MP3 wouldnt have online play via WIFI, now theres no multiplayer at all! Good call I say, MP2's multiplayer was pretty mediocre.
Homicidal_Gamer said:
“No (or very little) scanning, more focus on interaction with motion controls” (this art is sort of vague)
That was a gameplay element that the other two never needed. It was so annoying trying to get all of the scans just to get the art gallery.
Homicidal_Gamer said:
“No multiplayer freatures planned, but very excited about Wiiconnect possibilities”
The multiplayer in MPE was just not very good.
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Mr_Stoukaph said:
That was a gameplay element that the other two never needed. It was so annoying trying to get all of the scans just to get the art gallery.

The multiplayer in MPE was just not very good.
Yeah I know, so all that is actually bad stuff that has been revoked in this title, so I am now very pleased to know that I dont have to stop and scan something every 5-10 seconds while I am exploring a new area in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
I know that the multiplayer wasn't great, but I guess I really just want another GoldenEye 007 (and I really hope red steel is that, but it seems to be hanging in the balance)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.......... i though i will lay mp as i do with mp hunters with friends...
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Arcadium said:
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.......... i though i will lay mp as i do with mp hunters with friends...
Well dont let your hopes down just yet, there is still talk of possibly being an co-op mode. ;)

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