Gas prices


Jul 13, 2006
Milford Ohio
Wii Online Code
these gas prices just wont stop rising. just the other day, it was $2.86 per gal. and now today it is $3.10 per gal. im getting sick of these damn oil tycoons raising their prices just so they can make 1 billion more than they did last month. fucking greedy bastards.

im just curious what the gas prices are everywhere else. post how much gas is near you.
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here, diesle and bio-diesle is more expensive than reg. gas.

hey martini. that test was pretty cool but its wrong. it says im not a fanboy (which is true) but i prefer nintendo. thats wrong because i prefer nintendo AND microsoft lol
jaja u are so LUCKY!! in my country is the most expensive gasoline in the WORLD!!!!!! like $6 per gal!
Mitch2025 said:
hey martini. that test was pretty cool but its wrong. it says im not a fanboy (which is true) but i prefer nintendo. thats wrong because i prefer nintendo AND microsoft lol
meh lol it didnt have enough variety of answers to choose from but no test is perfect i just thought i was cool and it came out just about right for me
i'm glad i live in Charleston the lowest gas prices in the US $2.77 per gal:lol:
I converted martini's, because I live close to langley, to american, translating it to gallons and american dollars. We pay about 4.78 a gallon american. It really is horrible!

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