GE World Cup Tournament


WiiChat Member
Apr 3, 2013
I originally posted this on gamefaqs so some of you may have already seen it there.

If you remember the Japan vs The World war, then you will find this to be similar, but different. The GE World Cup is designed to allow every country to participate in a big tournament and also to allow people from multiple countries to meet and play together. Teams will be based on the total number of entrants, but I am hoping for around 8 people per team with at least 2 Japanese, 2 NTSC and 2 PAL players per team. Wars are Round Robin style so each team of 8 plays every other team in 4 versus 4 Team Conflict style games. 3 v 3 and 2 v 2 games will be allowed to, but 4 v 4 is preferred.

Each team should play players from more than one country per game, but there are exceptions to this if needed. Once I see the total number of entrants and their names I will select a certain number of team captains to draft their team. The drafting process will be set up to prevent teams from being stacked so every team should have a somewhat equal advantage. An example team/game match could look like ZAV[USA], Medina[MEX], Sinanju[JPN], and Koopa[GRMY] versus Goldie[UK], Born[JPN], Melee[USA], and Enzo[NZ]

To view the most up to date rule set and list of participants, go to my YouTube channel and click the link on the right hand side.
I will edit in the most up to date version there. The link doesn't auto update and I can't edit my posts to be able to put the new link here each time.

Current Rule Set as of 5-27-13:

Current List of Participants as of 5-27-13:


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