General Forum Suggestions

He is probably reading this thread and thats how he knew your name minto. And he is probably laughing at our comments here.
Cpt.McCloud said:
He has just seen you post, as with the i0n and the prez thread. Don't look into knowing him/her to much.
i think him and minto have played halo together so they should know each other.
Cpt.McCloud said:
They were mods in brawl and wii sections. It seems spam has leaked there but they're offline.

He is using proxy so it'll be difficult to stop.

But you can tell if he signs up under a new name
Hes a bit retarded
minto said:
you dont mean him do you?
i mean him as in the spammer and you.

and no the spammer ISNT retarded or anything, he loves you prinny, like everyone. hes just BORED.
Darkprinny said:
But you can tell if he signs up under a new name
Hes a bit retarded

Obviously spamming is quite pathetic but we'll never stop it 100%

The spam raids generally don't have a team so it is one person.
Monsteroids said:
Prepare for the Brawl noob invasion.

GAH! I don't think I could stand more noobs around this place! (Besides you, of course :lol: )

Oh Well, I'll be playing Brawl =)
Monsteroids said:
Prepare for the Brawl noob invasion.

I've actually got a shelter set up in back. 32" HDTV with my 360+Wii, A fridge full of Dr. Pepper+Cheetos, and my laptop.
Dorkfish said:
I've actually got a shelter set up in back. 32" HDTV with my 360+Wii, A fridge full of Dr. Pepper+Cheetos, and my laptop.

BUT! Do you have a supply of Ramen?!?