Glorious Day Today

-contemplates going to pay a little visit to axtlar-

-Brings burlap sack mask, chain saw, potato sack, bag of doritoes, a kit kat and a can of irn bru-

I need MP3, a month is to dam long:mad5:

This game has had amazing reviews, I just simply cannot wait.
I'm hating nintendo more and more. Europe has to always be last...
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  • #36
Yeah be patient, my good compatriots, be patienttttt!!!!!!!!!!!! you can do it!!! ok sorry for overdoing it..but yeah..and by the way..wth is Aura 3?
edit: in that last line, I meant to say Holla 3
edit2: oops, messed up's umm Heylo 3
edit 3: dang it! sorry it;'s just I've never heard of that "thing" before, let me copy and paste it: Halo 3
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  • #38
Lol yeah that's what I thought the first time I read it...HAHA
I also thought "hmm what is that?a sissy angelic game, maybe?"

But yeah it surprises me how many posters in this thread are from Europe... Poor fellows.
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  • #40
Ohhh...thought you were a look Spanish

by the way I just remembered I promised to send my pic, well I'll just post it in the pics thread if you don't mind.
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  • #42
Oh! I see!! well that explains it all, lol
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  • #44
haha, well I'm pure mexican, but according to my second last name: Manjarrez, my ancestors must have been indians, and yeah I bet they were, because India invaded Spain you know, and then Spain invaded Mexico..

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