Goldeneye Xp Lobby or Hacks.

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I could only play one game yesterday, you host quitted :(

And it was always full after that, so I only gor a half of a game with mines XD
Hmm, last night i was in one game for a couple of minutes, till my wii froze.
After that i think the lobby ended. Or i could no longer get into it.

In any case, if you start a new obby, add me pls. I wanna bring my 48 to 56 so i can axperience the ivana before
switching back to my other profile and getting it legit.
Strangest Archives i ever experienced. One moment i was at the number 2 goldeneye hack shooting at some1, next i was at the number 5 hack shooting at some1, the moment after that back at the previous spot apparently still shooting at the previous dude, before popping up at yet a different spot shooting at someone else. Like i was constantly teleporting. Every now and then a lull come and i could seemly run normal, only to have killed and been killed by players i at times never even saw. Then i realised that the more i killed the less experience i got, so i was trying to shoot my way back to a nice figure planning to stop once i got what i deemed to be a nice exp load when all of a sudden my wii froze up. And all that was left was a beep.

That and Mario and Luigi were apparently trying to get improvised, which made it look like the brothers where constantly bowing to each other.
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I was teleporting all the players in the match, it was all part of the hacks in the lobby :p

I saw everything you were doing in the match so, I was teleporting you guys for you to not kill anyone(sometimes). Like every match ending.
Btw, is it possible to start the next exp lobby a bit earlier. Like 2 hours or so?
I thought I was just lagging out lol. My bro was playing League of Legends online so I thought I was running like a 2 bar. And The Man I was messing around on that map with a toros messing around no scoping and quick scoping.
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