Have you ever dropped or thrown the Wii-mote?

Ive only accidentally let go of the remote once, and that was while bowling. Luckily I was wearing my strap, because it was a very hard throw and I have no doubt that it would have left a hole in my wall.
I'll admit that there was this one time when me and my 2 friends were getting competitive in Wii Tennis, and things started to get rowdy...I swung as hard as I can, and the wiimote went flying and ticked the corner of my tv. The wiimote was undamaged surprisingly, and my tv set has a little dent in it. :lol:
I haven't, but a friend has. At our neighbor's playing, he was bowling. It flew out of his hand and put a very small crack in his 52" teli... ouch.
I haven't dropped it or thrown it yet, but I have managed to hit one of my friends in her forehead, leaving a small, discolored bump. Once I knew she was alright, hilarity ensued.
WOW cookis don go hard on him its just a wiimote.......no i havn't and i never wear the wrist strap cause i never get up and move my hands around
hahaha thats funny......morons playing wii=someone dead

so......luigi considering you have a dumbass in your name did you ever kill some1 J/k
zeon9881 said:
hahaha thats funny......morons playing wii=someone dead

so......luigi considering you have a dumbass in your name did you ever kill some1 J/k
Yes, but lets not go into detail.....
Dumbass_Luigi said:
Yes, but lets not go into detail.....

every1 one take a step back from luigi before he gets is hands a on a wiimote

red is luigi
green is me

hey luigi you wanno play wii sports

sure but i may kill you

hahaha your funny

ok its startin

ok, weeeeee, i hit it

huh zeon whats wrong

c..all..the h ospita l

whats a hospital?

my GOD
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