HD Component or S-Video Cable? HDMI??


WiiChat Member
May 6, 2009
Ok guys, I did a search but I didnt really find my answer. Whats the difference between the HD Component Cable and the S-Video Cable?? Which one should I get? and which brand? I heard Nyko is good.. and then I'm hearing Monster is even better.. it seems like I can't get a straight answer anywhere :(

Also, I've seen those HDMI adapters around.. that can convert the Component cable to HDMI?? Does that actually work??

Please help me out guys, really want to invest in a good cable. Thanks in advanced!
S-Video has 5 conductors, Component has 6. Go component.
Also, whoever told you that monster is any good is WRONG! Just because the price is jacked up doesn't make the product any better.
If I were you, I'd go with the Nyko or another popular brand. They seem to work good, and they're pretty cheap.

EDIT: here:
$3.52, can't beat it. The site's legit, in case you were wondering; very cheap and fast shipping.
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S-video will provide better colour over composite, but it can not carry progressive signals (ie. no 480p on Wii with s-video).

Component will provide better colour over s-video, as well as carry progressive signals (ie. allowing you to switch the Wii to output 480p).

You want component for the best possible picture from the Wii.

As ROB64 mentioned, Monster brand anything is a bunch of marketing b.s. As far as what brand cable you want, it really doesn't matter. More expensive cables basically are a higher gauge wire and may have better shielding, allowing for less signal loss. But with 6' of cable, the signal loss issue is negligible anyway and nothing to be concerned about. A cheap cable will perform as well as any name brand cable.

The component to HDMI converters won't improve the picture at all, they will just allow you to hook up to an HDMI input should you choose. You might find a box that will also upconvert from 480p to a higher resolution, but it won't be any better than any scaling your TV (or A/V receiver should you be using one) can already do.
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but it won't be any better than any scaling your TV (or A/V receiver should you be using one) can already do.
close but no, some tv's/recievers do a better job of upscapling than others. a sony brevia has a better caled image than others
close but no, some tv's/recievers do a better job of upscapling than others. a sony brevia has a better caled image than others

I completely agree. However, I wasn't comparing one brand tv/rx to another. I was simply stating that any of the cheaper component to hdmi adapters that are floating around out there would not do any better of a scaling job (if they do scaling at all, since many don't, they just do a simple analog to digital conversion and pass it through as is) than any current tv/rx can already do. If the scaling on your current tv/rx is absolutely horrendous, then it might be beneficial to look into one of the converter boxes, but otherwise they really aren't necessary.

Let's look at XCM:

XCM HDMI Blaster
Functions and features:
- Finally an HDMI converter for older (hdmi-less) consoles that brings the analog signal into the digital age.
- Converts your old analog signal to the new High Definition standard digital signal (HDMI).
- Compatible with Wii, PS 2, Original Xbox consoles, Game cube,psp slim and more
- Also compatible with any component (YbPbR) signal (ie: DVD Player, DVB, Cable Box, Satellite Receiver, etc)
- Experience the Brilliant, Colorful and Sharp video output on your HDTV.
- Support any device with VGA output,input resolution for vga is 800*600, 1024*768
- Work on any HDTV or Monitor with HDMI or DVI input
- Fully automatic power supply management. When there is no input signal, the power supply will terminate automatically for power saving.
No scaling, only DA conversion. Worth 90 bucks? I'd say no (unless you have no free component inputs).

Any box that will do upscaling along with the DA conversion is much more pricey, at which point you may as well start looking at getting a good A/V rx to take care of that.
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Monster Cable Gamelink for the Wii are the best cables available.

I got them open boxed for same price of brand new Nintendo component cables in stores.

As always Monster Cable Gamelink cables are better than first party cables for both my Wii and Xbox 360 but only truly worth it if you can get it for cheaper than retail, you have a big high brand TV and spend a lot of time gaming.
Monster Cable Gamelink for the Wii are the best cables available.

I got them open boxed for same price of brand new Nintendo component cables in stores.

As always Monster Cable Gamelink cables are better than first party cables for both my Wii and Xbox 360 but only truly worth it if you can get it for cheaper than retail, you have a big high brand TV and spend a lot of time gaming.

Monster cables are vastly overpriced and are no better than cheapy discount cables in almost all cases.
Monster cables are vastly overpriced and are no better than cheapy discount cables in almost all cases.


Most electronic enthusiasts would spend hundreds more dollars for more higher end cables for their equipment. Why? :eek:ut:

Maybe HDMI does not matter cause it's digital you either get picture or no picture at all but when it comes to analog better shielding and higher quality cables make a difference especially in sound quality, maybe not noticeable in video quality but as stated above if you have a big TV 40" or more, higher end brands eg. Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba and spend a lot of time in from of the TV effect is less eye strain and more detail, it's worth the cost.

Again, as stated before get it for a discounted price. Not worth paying full price in my opinion but maybe different for someone who's spent $1000+ on TV.

Your opinion is your opinion, others have their own way of thinking. We are human because we have choice, give the man a chance to choose what's best for his needs.
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Most electronic enthusiasts would spend hundreds more dollars for more higher end cables for their equipment. Why? :eek:ut:

Because they're suckers. Or were duped by salesmen.

Maybe HDMI does not matter cause it's digital you either get picture or no picture at all but when it comes to analog better shielding and higher quality cables make a difference especially in sound quality, maybe not noticeable in video quality but as stated above if you have a big TV 40" or more, higher end brands eg. Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba and spend a lot of time in from of the TV effect is less eye strain and more detail, it's worth the cost.

It's definitely true that analog signals need adequate shielding to keep the signal clean, but there's a point where it's good enough for a clean signal and everything over and above that is snake oil.

Unless you have an extra long cable run or have freakishly high RF interference nearby, then cheapy cables have enough shielding to get the same quality signal as extra shielded, oxygen free copper expensive cable.

Your opinion is your opinion, others have their own way of thinking. We are human because we have choice, give the man a chance to choose what's best for his needs.

It's not really opinion. Tests have been run and experts have not been able to tell the difference.
Here's an account with Monster speaker cables - were no different in quality compared to bent metal coat hangers:

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