here for the hype


Jul 29, 2006
Wii Online Code
ok i know this sounds bad and i know i0n ill probably make you cry well not really lol but who can honestly say their going to stay on wii chat after the wii has come out just a thought me myself i have to say i probably wont stay just because i have my wii and im content how bout you guys
Well I have no plans to leave. I'll still want to know what people are recommending, what people think about new games and what the latest news is.
Sam_Harris said:
ok i know this sounds bad and i know i0n ill probably make you cry well not really lol but who can honestly say their going to stay on wii chat after the wii has come out just a thought me myself i have to say i probably wont stay just because i have my wii and im content how bout you guys
Don't forget that with the Opera browser that the Wii can operate on, you don't actually have to boot up your PC when you want to go online. In fact we may see more people browsing this site on their Wii's! That's if they can pry their hands off of the Wii games that is... So to sum it up: Wii + browser = wiichat still lives.
I stay but I think it'll be like TES forums I was there for like a month or two afterwards (release of Oblivion) then just got bored and left but then again that was a game this is console maybe I mioght just hang around
I think these forums will really hot up when the Wii is released. More people will come here to find out about the console, and ofcourse we'll still have the news for all the upcoming games.

Once the games are out we can start adding reviews/previews/walkthroughs :D
Yeah, then we can see who really is the best at certain games by holding wiichat competitions through the wiiconnect! But hell yeah, wiichat will live as long as people have wii's in their house.
i think alot of people will stay. here we can learn info on new games, new accessories comeing out, get tips, walkthroughs, cheats, get others friend codes, set up tournys ect.
i0n said:
I think these forums will really hot up when the Wii is released. More people will come here to find out about the console, and ofcourse we'll still have the news for all the upcoming games.

Once the games are out we can start adding reviews/previews/walkthroughs :D
Reason why i'll still be here :) but not as often.. due to coursework.. and time to play Wii.. but u wont get rid of me :D
Me: Don't worry i0n, i'll be staying;)

i0n: Great man great...*I turn my back* Dangit! He's staying? I thought he might leave when the Wii came out. Dang. Time to ban som ssbb_lover..."

Plz don't say that i0n:(

The Wii's gonna bring alot of new faces in, I can't wait:) Too bad it will probably bring in a ton of pissed of PS fanboys...screw em' all:p
we should start a Game Wiiview section for certin people to be Wiiviewers (yes i made that up ^.^)
Haha, Im staying.. :)
And i can't wait to get all the friendcodes i need.. And all that.. Its so exciting..

And yes.. we will get bigger.. That means we are gonna need a mod or two around here..

We will also start needed those wiiveiwers :p
i had no plans of leaving i want to see what people recommend as games and see what peoples reactions are to the system when they first play looking foward to this site when the Wii comes out
I'm staying, especially because i want to challenge you guys at ssbb. I never lose on the melee one and im hoping for a challenge.
This site is gonna b a success!

dont worry ion, im staying here too!

BTW, when i first saw this site, i thought that this was gonna b the official chat site for Wii owners. What i mean by that is kind of like the internet ppl qwho play online come here to chat and view stats and what not, kind of like for halo2...but i found out its something different, but in a good way! the general name "Wiichat" led me to believe that its a chat for all Wiichat gamers, which it is but in a different way. Anyways, when the Wii comes out, i think that this site will be SPARKING with new members every day and will get more and more popular every day as a tool to chat with Wii players and brag about their playing skills and Wii gameplay and whats going on; a Wii player who has a computer will most likely talk on Wiichat for all fo their Wii communication needs (forum-type).:p

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