Honestly Ps3 vs 360 vs Wii


Jul 20, 2006
Who do you honestly think will win? Pretend those are the only consoles. Dont bring in any thing elsel ike PC. What system will be more powerful with better games and graphics? Personalyl I think playstation 3 just because its graphics look the best out of 360 and Wii, it will have some of the best games ever like RE5, DMC 4, MGS 4, Killzone 2, GTA 4, Oblivion...etc and Sony is trying like crazy to make it amazing. DO you guys honestly think the Wii will beat the 360 and ps3? I'd say it has a chance of beating 360...maybe. 360 better fix its freezing problem and needs to get some good games on there that are only for it.
I see you're one of those people that are blinded and are not a true gamer, as you should know, gaming isnt just about graphics, it's about how the game feels. The playstation 3, has a very good chance at failing, because it has a thing called blue-ray which is way too ahead of it's time.

The 360 just seems to be an xbox 1.5, with revamped graphics, though the 360 will soon have it's #1 title, Halo 3. I have a distaste for Sony and Microsoft, but the only distaste is how they smack all this junk at you that you dont need to make your gaming experience fun.

Sony's Playstation 3 is a system with superb graphics, but where is the real new stuff? Sure, the PS3 is adding blue-ray, but do us gamers need it to make the games funner? No, sony is actually full of themselves this time, they've won the console war two times in a row, and now they're cocky.

But your question is, which console is the best? Well I have to say the Nintendo Wii, why? Simply because it's something new, creative, and innovative. Nintendo stays true to gaming, and now they're taking gaming to the next level, taking video games to the next level isnt necessarily improving the systems graphics, you should know that, that tactic works only for a little while.

Now about games, Nintendo has many legendary franchises that can blow away any Sony franchise, even though most of sony's exclusive franchises arnt even made by them. With titles coming to the Wii like Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Red Steel, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Sonic Wild-Fire, ExciteTruck, Wario Ware Smooth Moves, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Project Hammer, and many many more titles, I say the Wii is in fact tougher when it comes to what really matters, the gaming.

And Sony putting in a lot to make the PS3 great? I'm sorry but any brain dead monkey can stick in extra crap that the average gamer doesnt need into a console. Nintendo has been trying the most, I mean this new freestyle controller that is positively significant. Sony has kept the same design on their controller basically since the PSone except they added analog sticks and now they added a middle button on the controller similar to the Xbox 360 controller.

Wii is something us gamers have truly wanted ever since the last console war began, Nintendo is once again, going to change the industry in a significant way. You should always remember that graphics arnt what make a system, a legend. And I will say that I truly believe the Nintendo Wii has a great chance at winning this console war, yet since playstations are a fad, and all the supposed "cool" people want it, theres still a lot to speculate.

Overall, if you're a gamer at heart and know what gaming is, then you will not be distracted by a systems graphics, you will study the consoles true meaning of being a console, the gameplay. We are all entitled to opinions, but I will say that games not being all about graphics is a fact.

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nice long explination Homicidal Gamer. (man! your posting alot!)
wii is for real gamers who dont need good graphics to have fun!
First I'll address a question you had about what a Togg incident was, in another thread.

A Togg incident: Basicly this guy named Togg came on to this forum and made a bunch of flaming anti-Nintendo comments and was very rude and suggestive. This was the first real flamer we had on this relaxed forum and he just brought the mood down. You won't find more than one or two posts if you search his name because they were deleted for obcene language.

So now, we are all a bit on edge whenever we start hearing people who say they don't like Wii, or whatever. Obviously, you are no Togg.

Now anyway, you are asking if Wii will win. I don't know what win really means, so maybe you could elaborate.

If you are asking which will have the best games and most innovative technology, that's an opinion.

If you're only talking graphics, then the PS3 wins, but only if it's realism you're craving. There are great games, like Sly Cooper and Zelda: Wind Waker that don't look real, but do look cool.

If gameplay is at the top of your list, then that depends on if you mean how well the developers set it up on a specific controller, or if you mean the controller itself. Again, this is opinion: the PS3 controller is shaped almost exactly like the PS2 and the PS2 controller was one of the most uncomfortable and poorly layed out controllers I ever used because it wasn't contoured and with the joysticks right next to each other, playing first person shooters was very clumsy. The PS3 controller will, however, have a motion sensor, but that's probably only going to be used in flying and driving games, and it loses rumble feedback. Compare the PS3 controller to the Xbox 360's controller, and anyone will tell you it's extremely comfortable and great for FPSs, has rumble, but doesn't have motion sensitivity.

Now, compare those two to Wii's Wiimote/Nunchuk combo, which is very similar to a keyboard/mouse setup, which everyone pretty much agrees is the best for FPSs. In games like Red Steel, you will be able to slash and parry, most likely in real-time, as if you were holding the sword in your hand, which neither the Xbox 360, PS3, or PC can give you. But, in 2D fighters, the Wii's controller would be over kill and so that's where the Xbox 360 or PS3 controller would be better, but then again, most 2D fighters will most likely be played with the Gamecube controller on Wii, so now you have two very ergonomic controllers to choose from.

So, as you can see, there really is no winner because it's not a console race, it's more of a console gulag.

Now, will I be buying a PS3? Not for a loong time because it's over priced, uses Blu-Ray, which I don't trust yet, doesn't have a history of good FPSs, and since I'm usually into games that come out on all consoles, like the Splinter Cell series, I'll just buy the good-enough-graphics version for Xbox 360 (when ever I get a 360; still love the first Xbox). I'll get Wii because of it's outstanding adventure games like Legend of Zelda: TW, Metroid Prime: Corruption, and great fighters like SSBB.

Just to let you know, I own a PS2 (although it was given to me just recently) and there are some great games for it, like the Jak&Daxter series, Rachet&Clank series, and unique games like Katamari Damacy and Shadow of the Colossus. I never got a PS2 until now because most of my games were all-console games and the PS2 version was always the weakist when it came to graphics and features.

I too never loved the Gamecube. I sold it about a year after buying it and bought an Xbox because it had so few games I couldn't get a better Xbox-version of. Now, I can't wait for Wii because I can play all the Gamecube games I missed aswell as the new Wii games that look quite innovative/fun and the VC games that I haven't played in a long time.

Well, I think that was one of my largest posts ever, so now I'm going to take a nap on the floor.:zzz:
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Lachadine said:
nice long explination Homicidal Gamer. (man! your posting alot!)
wii is for real gamers!
Yes I quite am posting a lot! :D Anyways, I believe the Wii is definately for true gamers, everyone that grew up playing video games back in the 8-16 bit times knows what gaming is, not like these n00b wannabe gamers with their Playstation 2 and xbox.
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Interesting. Well no offense but you're wrong about the whole "you're only a true gamer if you like nintendo". Its a matter of taste and opinion. Someone growing up playing nintendo is obviously going to be a fan of nintendo as I grew up a fan of sony. My first video game I ever played ever was Medievil for Playstation and ever since I've stuck with the playstation. Well personally I think ps3 will win if the console runs the way its supposed to and there aren't faults in it. But there probably will be on launch and they'll probably have to fix it like every other console. Yea about that whole blu-ray thing what exactly is it and how is it ahead of time? And just out of curiosity, I always thoguht gamecube was a panzy cause it couldn't play dvd's or cd's. Im assuming the Wii will be able to play dvd's and cd's right? And possibly more?
I seriously don't get why people care if consoles play dvds, I mean don't you have a PC and a DVD player anyway? I had an Xbox (sold it because after DOA 4 and Halo there was nothing else worth playing) which I used as a dvd player but the playback sucked so I switched to using my PC.
RhythmGen said:
I seriously don't get why people care if consoles play dvds, I mean don't you have a PC and a DVD player anyway? I had an Xbox (sold it because after DOA 4 and Halo there was nothing else worth playing) which I used as a dvd player but the playback sucked so I switched to using my PC.
I see it the same way, I mean why do people care about any of that extra crap at all? We buy game systems for what they're GAME systems, not because there's some added technology that doesnt have anything to do with our gaming experience.
Like I can see with the Playstations that it is viewed as a cheap way of getting a new media player (since ps2's were cheap DVD players and the PS3 is a cheap blu ray player) but honestly it is irrelevant to gaming. Honestly, I think the playstation has some quite good games for it, but the price is just stupid, cutting technology would not affect those good games. For the Xbox... okay my non-serious, anti-xbox answer is that its for people without friends, that's why so few games have splitscreen multiplayer and it's all online, but seriously, it lacks good games, especially exclusive good games. Maybe I will get a playstation when the price drops and when the 2nd version comes out, or an xbox if the releases pick up, but the only console you can be confident that it will be affordable, non-buggy, with enough solid games released is the wii.
Mr_Stoukaph said:
Gulag? What does that have to do with gaming?

Yeah, I'm going to have to agree. That guy talking about gulag makes no...wait that's me!!:(

I'm so bad when it comes to spelling sometimes. I meant to say goulash: an eclectic and uncoordinated mixture of something, not gulag: an acronym, meaning Glavnoe Upravlenie Lagerei, or Main Camp Administration.:lol:

Hahaha, this conversation has gotten so off topic thanks to me. I promise to always type odd words into google before I post.

Anyway, now back to the subject.
Gewtin said:
Interesting. Well no offense but you're wrong about the whole "you're only a true gamer if you like nintendo". Its a matter of taste and opinion. Someone growing up playing nintendo is obviously going to be a fan of nintendo as I grew up a fan of sony. My first video game I ever played ever was Medievil for Playstation and ever since I've stuck with the playstation. Well personally I think ps3 will win if the console runs the way its supposed to and there aren't faults in it. But there probably will be on launch and they'll probably have to fix it like every other console. Yea about that whole blu-ray thing what exactly is it and how is it ahead of time? And just out of curiosity, I always thoguht gamecube was a panzy cause it couldn't play dvd's or cd's. Im assuming the Wii will be able to play dvd's and cd's right? And possibly more?

I agree with you on this one, Gewtin. You don't have to be a fan of any console to truly be a gamer. My uncle was the only reason I started with a SNES; up until then, I didn't know anything about videogames. I was born in 1988 and live in central-Missouri so give me a break here, everyone. From there, I sold that after a few years and bought an N64, my favorite console of all; Starfox64 was my favorite because of the scope and style it had.

I could just as easily have been given a Playstation and would probably grown fond of it instead, or a PC and gone that route.

Now, what I said in that first post was a bit long winded and obviously a bit confussing. I should have said all consoles and their strenghts and weaknesses when it comes to hardware, but it's the games that we play, not the console itself. If a console doesn't have enough interesting games, or has weaker versions (meaning poor graphics, no online play where the other version do, etc) of games that are available on all consoles, I can't justify the cost. When I bought the gamecube, I liked it, but soon found the Xbox to have most of the games I played on the Xbox but with better graphics and online play.

Every next-gen console, PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii, I believe are the best for what they are made for.

PS3 will have the best looking games, many of which will be fun to play, it'll get the weird/cool games like Katamari Damacy and Rez, and all of it's great franchises, GTA, Jak, Rachet&Clank, MGS, etc. will come out as the best version (unlike in the past, where the Xbox version of GTA and MGS were better than the PS2).

The Xbox 360 will have the best exclusive shooters, a.k.a Halo 3 and Gears of War with more to follow and probably the best online setup because Xbox Live is THE BEST ONLINE SYSTEM currently and everyone knows that.

And Wii, of course, has the most innovative, and really, intelligent contoller ever conjured up; I had always thought before Wii, "if only you had some kind of joystick or pressure sensetive buttons on a keyboard so when you're playing FPSs on a PC, you would aim with the mouse like normal, and then push on a joystick so you could have variable speed, rather than two actions: moving and not moving." Already, Nintendo has shown they have 3rd party support from EA, Ubisoft, Sega, and Activison (the Tony Hawk makers) and each company wants to develop their game specificly for the hardware to make it a new/exciting experience. At the same time two out of the three Nintendo-staple-series, Zelda and Metroid (Mario being the third), will be available at launch.

I don't think any specific console is beating another. We, the gamers, are the winners this time around.

...and they all lived happily ever after. The End.:D
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