Wii vs ps3 vs 360 - whats in the future..? (speculation)

People who spend $500 twice a year to update their CPUs are really bad computer shoppers. :yikes:

I can update my system for that much, and it will comfortably last me for 3 years before I'll start feeling the need to update again.
Ummagumma said:
People who spend $500 twice a year to update their CPUs are really bad computer shoppers. :yikes:

I can update my system for that much, and it will comfortably last me for 3 years before I'll start feeling the need to update again.

GPU does not = CPU.

And no you don't need to update GPU's twice a year, people just like to have top of the line stuff.

People don't need Ferrari's to get from point A to point B.

martin8768 said:
Hey we shouldn't argue on what is a gek and wat isent but who is a poser geek, yes i know some people that try to be like me but lol fail. he pays WoW and CSS and talks the talk but he cant walk the walk, knows all the MMO crap but he is not l33t, its so anoying he thinks he is so smart at computers. anyways, go GEEKs!

Wow a geek who failed english. Most geeks I know have good grammar and are at least smart. You must be one of the rare ones :lol:
God Almighty, chill out.

@brandon - you may be right, but Media Center PCs are an expanding market. That's one instance of where the push is being made by the computing industry. And, in all fairness, it has been more successful than the Xbox 360's homework helping apps.
Heyo, I'm a major pc gamer, and I HATE WoW, EverCrack, and FFXI, and the rest of the dumb MMORPG's out there.

I play Fear, HL2, CS:S, and lots of other games that have nothing to do with MMORPGs.

And I dont know if you realize, but you can be a lvl. whatever on FFXI FOR 360 or PS2. You act as if PC's are the only things with MMORPGs...well you sir, are wrong.

I think the PS3 is gonna bomb because it's WAY too expensive. You're buying a blu-ray player that can play games! Plus, some kid/guy is gonna get one, learn that you can't loan games to friends because of the protection thing, and no one else is gonna buy one. Except for the friggin' rich people who can afford $500 or $600 for the console plus $50 for every game. I'd only get one if I had a GameFly account. As for the Wii/360 war, it all depends on the people; Those that enjoy playing with their friends over the internet are gonna pull for the 360, while those that enjoy playing period or just enjoy playing with the innovative controller are gonna pull for the Wii. Price also comes in to mind. To get the system, and four total controllers, the 360 will be between $430 and $550, while the Wii is $430. Many factors come in to play during the console war, but either way, I'd say the PS3 is not one of them.