Wii vs ps3 vs 360 - whats in the future..? (speculation)


Special Olympics Medalist
Nov 21, 2006
Wii Online Code
Ok I know its real early days right now but since were past the launch of all 3 consoles what does everyone expect for the future of wii and its competitors (360+ps3)?

I'm always really interested when people bring their ideas to the table concerning sony's faux pas and nintendo's genius with these next gen consoles.

Last year if someone had said to me that nintendo are going to bring out the must have console of the next gen I would have laughed in their face. But damn, its happened.!?

The "hardcore" gamer is gonna want the "best" graphics and power available so they will buy a ps3 I'm guessing. But the hardcore gamers I know want all 3 next gen consoles. So sony aren't hitting 360 or wii in terms of sales there - and I can't imagine the casual gamer (or any sensible person) paying sony the ps3 asking price when you can get a wii60 for the same price...

So what's everyones prediction for the next year or two in terms of next gen?
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hardcore gamers who aren't "total" geeks then sorry...
lol just kidding there. I have been known to play games on the pc - just keeping up with technology and the cost of doing so is too much hassle/money.
pc sales / usage won't ever effect console sales... too expensive and too complicated. Its a diff market really.
If pcs were just better than consoles in every way there wouldn't be a console market...
for the purpose of this lets ignore pcs...
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BrandonMcAuslan said:
hardcore gamers who aren't "total" geeks then sorry...

From my experiences, the pc gamers I have known, are far less geeky than any "hardcore" console gamer I have known. A PC has far more uses, you are buying a console for the sole purpose of playing games. Doesn't really compare when it comes to geekiness. Especially nowadays when virtually everyone has a PC.
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I'm sorry but playing gta some evenings does not compare to reaching level 600+ blah blah on everquest and WoW by playing 24/7... Pc gaming guys are geekier than console owners.
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hardcore console gamers aren't geeks - (if we are talkin stereotypes here)
They are halo lovin rednecks. Or neds/chavs to us in the UK

lol this is sooo off topic and ridiculous already.... :crazy:
BrandonMcAuslan said:
hardcore console gamers aren't geeks - (if we are talkin stereotypes here)
They are halo lovin rednecks. Or neds/chavs to us in the UK

lol this is sooo off topic and ridiculous already.... :crazy:

MMORPG players aren't hardcore gamers. They are hardcore MMORPG players.

And I am quite obviously not from the U.K. We don't have "neds" or "chavs" per say. All though yes, the wegros here love there GTA. But playng a few hours on GTA wouldn't even constitute being hardcore anyways, so that doesn't really attribute to the point either.

And hardcore console players, especially younger ones, tend to be a lot more socially inept that pc gamers. This obviously excluding MMORPG players, because they are just a whole different breed.
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Geeze dude are you are one of these people who want to categorize their music into sub genre's of sub genre's of genre's of sub genre's.

I catagorize a hardcore gamer as someone who spends an excessive amount of time/money on computer games. saying mmorpg players arent really gamers is gettin too technical for my liking. Society in gereral doesn't care...
Much like the way you will find My Chemical Romance CDs in the Rock/Metal section of HMV when they're actually "emo" / "screamo" or whatever - thing is no-one really cares... And those who do need to get a life...
To me someone who is gonna buy a ps3, an xbox360 and a wii is a hardcore gamer. Someone who owns a ps2, a gc, an x-box and a sh*t load of games for each console is also in my book - pretty hardcore. (unless you are a kid and your mum/mom bought you them. Then you are just a spoilt brat) - unless you mowed a LOT of lawns or delivered a LOT of papers to pay for it...
BrandonMcAuslan said:
Geeze dude are you are one of these people who want to categorize their music into sub genre's of sub genre's of genre's of sub genre's.

I catagorize a hardcore gamer as someone who spends an excessive amount of time/money on computer games. saying mmorpg players arent really gamers is gettin too technical for my liking. Society in gereral doesn't care...
Much like the way you will find My Chemical Romance CDs in the Rock/Metal section of HMV when they're actually "emo" / "screamo" or whatever - thing is no-one really cares... And those who do need to get a life...
To me someone who is gonna buy a ps3, an xbox360 and a wii is a hardcore gamer. Someone who owns a ps2, a gc, an x-box and a sh*t load of games for each console is also in my book - pretty hardcore. (unless you are a kid and your mum/mom bought you them. Then you are just a spoilt brat)

People who spend 500$ on a new gpu twice a year are pretty hardcore. Categorization is made for convenience and to be less vague.. Telling someone that My Chemical Romance is "rock/metal" isn't going to give them the slightest idea of what the music is actually like.
BrandonMcAuslan said:
I'm sorry but playing gta some evenings does not compare to reaching level 600+ blah blah on everquest and WoW by playing 24/7... Pc gaming guys are geekier than console owners.

Bullshit, I am on my pc loads and play tonnes of pc games, WoW, CSS, BF2142, BF2, BFSF plus many more (hl2, gmod ect.)

And I ain't a geek.

So stop making **** up.
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Dude you sould take those comments a little tongue in cheek. I myself am level 28 Wow. and play hl2/counter strike. But if you think that playing WoW aint a geeky thing to do then we are clearly on different wave-lengths...
Silent-Sniper said:
Bullshit, I am on my pc loads and play tonnes of pc games, WoW, CSS, BF2142, BF2, BFSF plus many more (hl2, gmod ect.)

And I ain't a geek.

So stop making **** up.

Ditto, if you knew me and my roomates IRL you would never guess that we ever do stuff on the PC, or that we use to play WoW religiously. PC gamers tend to be more closeted about there playing.

But if you think that playing WoW aint a geeky thing to do then we are clearly on different wave-lengths...

Playing WoW in general isn't geeky, it's how you react to the game that can make it geeky. And like i said, you can't really lump MMORPG players in with PC gamers. Because there are tons and tons of MMORPG players who have never been into another pc game in there life. I could personally name off like 10 who were never into any type of gaming.

And my point being in all of these posts, if that it will all meld with PC gaming. Game consoles are more and more becoming melded with PC's and eventually PC processing will(pretty much already has, just not widely on the market) catch up with game consoles. PC gaming was and is the future of hardcore gaming.
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Geeze is this thread about is WoW geeky? Lol I think it is - but its just one mans opinion. None of the guys I play football with - or work with - or drink with - or even the musicians I know play WoW.
Most play console games though and even pc fps some of them.

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