How famous is the user above you?

What exactly is going on here?

King is pawsitively awful at English, and for some reason can't understand what is blatantly understandable. Whereas his own dyslexic mumblin' make perfect sense to 'em. It's mind-boggling.
uve cat 2 b kitten me right meowstic

... You're cat-callin' meowt on my love for felines, rather than my 'Karpish fish-fetish? NICK LOOK WHAT YOUVE DONE TO ME
King is KING at English, and for some reason I can't understand his brilliant understandable words where they pummel me to the bottom of the seas. Whereas my own dyslexic mumblin' make perfect sense to no one. It's mind-boggling, maaaan.

I, I never you were so... moving.